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Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems Question Paper

Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

(a) A computer is made up of subsystems that work together for a common purpose, and thus it can be called a system. Discuss any three elements that make up a computer system. (6 Marks) (b) MUCST has several functions housed within various departments; the university intends to link all these functions using state-of-the-art networking technology. Briefly outline any four classifications of the networking resources that could be used for this undertaking. (4 Marks) (c) Define the following terms: (i) Computer hardware (1 Mark) (ii) Register (1 Mark) (iii)Antivirus (1 Mark) (iv) ASCII (1 Mark) (d) Charles Babbage entered into record in 1822 for having contributed to the development of computing. State his invention and how the invention contributed to the development of computers. (4 Marks) (e) MUCST is currently offering several programmes with the intention of producing cribe at least four sections technology. (6 Marks)
(f) Differentiate between the following terms; (i) SRAM and DRAM (2 Marks) (ii) CISC and SISC (2 Marks) (iii)Data and Information (2 Marks)
(a) Human beings receive instructions on which they base their reasoning processes so that they are able to execute their day-to-day business operations. A computer behaves like a human being in that it can receive instructions, and use the instructions to process data into information. Briefly describe how computers are instructed. (4 Marks) (b) Computer instructions can be of many types depending on the nature of the operations to be executed, all computer instructions can be placed into three categories. Discuss the categories. (6 Marks) (c) Briefly outline the major innovations that characterized the different computer generations. (5 Marks) (d) Answer either Yes or No (i) A scanner is used to enter video data into the computer [Yes/No] (1 Mark) (ii) ROM stores in-built machine instructions [Yes/No] (1 Mark) (iii)Ring network topology has a central control device called a repeater [Yes/No] (1 Mark) (iv) A payroll software is a system software [Yes/No] (1 Mark) (v) Ergonomics is the study of computers and computing environment [Yes/No] (1 Marks)
(a) function that is important for the proper functioning of a computer system. Outline the functions of the following; (i) Upper memory area (2 Marks) (ii) Higher memory area (2 Marks) (b) A computer system requires a ROM to work. Justify this statement, properly stating the contents of ROM. (4 Marks) (c) Computer technology is dynamically evolving such that the capacity and capability of computers keep changing with time. MUCST has realized that change in technology has overtaken the available technology; the university intends to keep up with the state-of-the art technology. Briefly advice the university on the actions to take so as to improve their computer processorsd. (6 Marks) (d) Convert the following: (6 Marks) (i) 67810 to BCD (ii) EA516 to decimal
(iii)16.81510 to Binary (iv) 10010011101102 to Octal
(a) Ministry of communication has a very daunting and up-hill task of harmonizing the communication systems in the country. This is because of the many and varying networked systems being used by the Kenyan citizens for different purposes and applications. Briefly describe any four applications for the networked systems. (6 Marks) (b) Computers can be classified into several categories, briefly discuss any four criteria used to classify computers. (8 Marks) (c) List any four CPU registers. (2 Marks) (d) Convert the following: (i) 5768 to binary (2 Marks) (ii) 1110101011112 to Hexadecimal. (2 Marks)

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