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Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems Question Paper

Hbc2106:Introduction To Computer Systems 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

a) Briefly describe any three main functions performed by operating systems (6 Marks) b) Distinguish between the following terms (4 Marks) (i) Intranet and Extranet (ii) Cache memory and Virtual memory c) System Software consists of programs that co-ordinate the activities of hardware and other programs. Identify four common types of systems software (4 Marks) d) Briefly explain three types of networks (6 Marks) e) The file organization refers to the physical arrangement of data on the backing storage devices such as tape and disks. Briefly distinguish between Serial Organization, Sequential Organization and Random organization. (6 Marks) f) Briefly describe any fo (4 Marks)
a) Perform the following computations (6 Marks) (i) Find the hexadecimal equivalent to the decimal number 43.7656 10 (ii) Subtract 101012 from 11102 (iii) Divide 01101112 by 01112 b) In your opinion, what ergonomic issues do you think may arise from use of computers? (4 Marks) c) The data flows along transmission media. Explain the three types of transmission media (6 Marks) d) Briefly describe any two types of interfaces provided by operating systems. (4 Marks)
a) Distinguish between CISC and RISC processors (6 Marks) b) System security is the protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable objectives of the system. Outline any four measures taken in order to keep the computer system secure from Virus attacks (8 Marks) c) Karima realized that the coming up of a new university carried with it business opportunities like typing students projects and developing software for the university among other. He decided to buy a suitable computer and approached you for a advice. Kindly advise him on the six factors to consider. (6 Marks)
a) Highlight the key software technologies that marked the fourth generation computers (6 Marks) b) Discuss four factors that affect the speed and performance of a CPU design (8 Marks) c) Give four major problems that would be encountered by a large company changing from manual system to a computerized one (6 Marks)

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