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Edr 210: Introduction To Ethics Question Paper

Edr 210: Introduction To Ethics 

Course:Introduction To Ethics

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2015

EDR 210 SIT IN CAT 2014/2015

1. High marks are awarded on good handwritting, clarity, creativity and originality.
2. Answer all the questions.

1a). Generally ethics can be studied in two broad divisions. Briefly explain. (4 marks).

b). Analyse the three types of ethical thinking (6marks).
2a). Explain ethics as:
i). A practical science. (2marks).
ii). A normative science (2marks).
b). Briefly expound on the three different categories of utilitarianism. (6marks).
3. Discuss the sources for moral judgement. (10marks).

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