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Agr0121:Annual Crops Question Paper

Agr0121:Annual Crops 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

(a) Why is yellow maize considered to be more nutritionally valuable than white maize? (2 Marks) (b) Name any three maize seeds recommended to farmers and give one advantage of each. (6 Marks) (c) Give three industrial uses of Irish Potatoes. (3 Marks) (d) Give three qualities a wheat seed should have. (3 Marks) (e) Give three ways by which rats affect wheat production in the farm. (3 Marks) (f) Why should beans be properly cooked before they are eaten by human beings. (3 Marks) (g) State any two reasons as why weeding should not be carried out in a wet field of bean farm. (2 Marks) (h) Give three symptoms of bean fly injection in beans. (3 Marks) (i) Give any three reasons why potato tubers should not be left in the ground for more than three weeks after attaining maturity. (3 Marks) (j) Give the family names of the following crop plants; (i) Maize (ii) Potatoes (iii)Cassava
(a) Give three symptoms of bacterial wilt in potatoes (3 Marks) (b) What are the three common methods of spreading bacterial wilt? (3 Marks)
(c) Give the four methods of controlling the disease. (4 Marks) (d) (i) What is hitting in potato production. (2 Marks) (ii) Name any three chemicals which can be used by farmers to encourage chitting. (3 Marks)
(a) Name any three major uses of wheat. (3 Marks) (b) State any four qualities a wheat variety recommended to a farmer should have. (4 Marks) (c) Stat any three symptoms of Russian wheat aphid (3 Marks) (d) (i) What is the casual agent of Halo blight in beans? (1 Mark) (ii) Give two symptoms of halo blight. (2 Marks) (iii) State any two methods of controlling halo blight in beans. (iv) State any two uses of sweet potato tubers. (2 Marks)
(a) Name any three varieties of pigeon peas grown in Kenya. (3 Marks) (b) Give the climatic requirements of pigeon peas. (5 Marks) (c) (i) When should gapping be done in maize farm. (1 Mark) (ii) Briefly explain how fertilizer application is carried out in a maize crop. (6 Marks)
Briefly explain how a farmer can establish sweet potatoes from land preparation stage up to harvesting. (15 Marks)

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