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Agr0121:Annual Crops Question Paper

Agr0121:Annual Crops 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Potato tuber cuttings are recommended as potato planting materials. Give two reasons why most farmers do not use this method. (2Marks) (b) (i) What is chitting as used in Potato production? (2Marks) (ii) Give two reasons why a farmer should ensure that the site to plant potatoes should not have been under solamaceae family plants for the last five years. (2Marks) (c) (i) Explain any two methods of controlling copper deficiency in wheat farms. (2Marks) (ii) State any four preventive methods of controlling weeds in wheat farm (2Marks) (d) (i) State any three factors which determine the amount of fertilizer applied in a maize farm. (3Marks) (ii) Striga weed is a major weed in maize farmers in the Lake Victoria region. Give any four ways of controlling this weed. (4Marks) (e) (i) Give the names of two bean varieties recommended in semi-arid areas. (2Marks)
(ii) Why are beans supposed to be cooked in hot water for a long time before eating?
(f) (i) Give the scientific names of the two types of cassava produced by farmers. (4Marks)
(ii) Why are cassava roots and leaves not supposed to be consumed before cooking properly? (2Marks)
(g) What is the optimum temperature needed by sweet potatoes. (1Mark)
(a) Late blight is a serious Irish Potato disease. (i) State any two symptoms of this disease (2Marks) (ii) Give any two methods of controlling the disease (2Marks)
(b) Potatoes are supposed to be planted on ridges. State any three advantages of ridge planting method. (3Marks) (c) (i) Give the scientific name of sweet potatoes (2Marks) (ii) Explain the procedure of establishing sweet potatoes using the stem cuttings. (6Marks)
(a) (i) Explain the procedure used by cassava farmers to store them for a long period of time. (4Marks) (ii) Post harvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is a problematic disease in cassava roots. Explain how it occurs and the methods of controlling this disease. (5Marks) (b) (i) Give any four reasons why wheat farmers are supposed to plant certified seeds from registered seed companies. (4Marks) (ii) State any two symptoms of stem rust in wheat. (2Marks)
(a) Potato spacing is determined by the intended use of the tubers. Explain. (4Marks) (b) Give two potato varieties recommended in low potential areas. (2Marks) (c) State any three methods of controlling potato tuber moth. (3Marks) (d) State any three methods of suppressing sprouting in potato tubers that farmers can employ. (3Marks) (e) Water stress at maize flowering stage affects maize production severely. State any five ways by which water stress affect the crop at this stage. (3Marks)
(a) Explain the procedure of controlling weeds in bean farm. (4Marks) (b) Explain the procedure of storing cassava roots after harvesting in order to prolong the storage life. (3Marks) (c) Explain the procedure of preparing cassava for planting materials. (4Marks) (d) (i) Name any two common bird pests of wheat. (2Marks) (ii) State two methods of controlling bird pests. (2Marks)

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