Cee010:Computer Applications Question Paper
Cee010:Computer Applications
Course:Diploma In Agriculture
Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers
Exam Year:2012
a) John designed a pamphlet and an architectural drawing. State the most suitable output device he could use for each item. (2 Marks) b) State three advantages of using Computer packages over tailor made software. (3 Marks) c) Define the following terms as used in computer. (3 Marks) i. Computer ii. Operating system iii. Computer booting d) State four operations of a computer. (4 Marks)
We are living in an information age dependent upon digital information. Digital information is electronic information, the result of computer processing. Every type of job relies upon getting information, using it, managing it and relaying information to others. Computers enable the efficient processing and storage of information that might be true for some types of computers. Embedded computers may be inside your household appliances, the VCR, the automobile, planes, trains, power plants, water purification plants, calculators, and even inside a few toys. These embedded computers are very small. They affect our lives each day. Why, even modern traffic lights operate
with computers. They Are All Around Us. Think Of Additional Ways In Which Computers Affect Our Lives Each Day.
Required; e) Identify three formatting features in the above text. (3 Marks) f) Highlight three key features of first computer generation. (3 Marks)
A B C D E F G H 1 NAME CAT-1 CAT-2 CATTOTAL EXAM TOTAL GRADE 2 Susan M. 14 06 56 3 Peter K. 13 08 34 4 Mary Ann. N 10 04 59 5 Paul P. 11 07 57 6 Janet F. 06 09 48 7 Justin G. 08 07 50
CAT -1 is out of 15, CAT -2 is out of 15 and EXAM is out of 70
g) Explain how you would rename the above worksheet to RESULT (3 Marks) h) Write the Excel formula that will calculate the total CAT marks for Janet F. State the cell number where the calculation will be done. (3 Marks) i) Use Excel formula to determine the minimum marks for Paul P. State the cell number where the calculation will be done. (3 Marks) j) Write a logical function that displays PASSED when the total (CAT -1, CAT-2 and EXAM) when the marks is 60 marks otherwise display FAIL. (3 Marks)
a) State and explain five benefits of a computer. (5 Marks) b) State two application areas of embedded computers in modern homes. (2 Marks) c) Mr Matano is a teacher at Elimu High school and wishes to use MS- Excel to process the marks obtained by his students during their end term exam. The table below shows the details entered in the program. State the cell number where the said formula will be placed. A B C D E F G 1 NAME MATHS ENGLISH KISWA TOTAL AVERAGE MAXIMUM 2 50 30 40 3 80 70 42 4 31 21 10 5 80 60 90
6 40 50 20
Use the information to determine:
i. The formulae for calculating the total marks for Benjamin. (2 Marks) ii. The formulae to calculate the average for Sally. (2 Marks) iii. The formulae to calculate the maximum score for Janet. (2 Marks) iv. Given that the average pass mark is 50, using a function write a formulae that indicates the remarks “pass” or “fail” for Ann. (2 Marks)
a) Explain the process of creating folder on a computer desktop. (4 Marks) b) Explain how you would insert a picture in Ms Word. (4 Marks) c) Define the following terms as used in Ms-Excel. (3 Marks) i. Cell ii. Worksheet iii. Work book d) State two examples of spreadsheet software. (2 Marks) e) State two orientations in Ms-Word. (2 Marks)
a) State any two menu items on Ms-Word Menu Bar (2 Marks) b) State three examples of operating system. (3 Marks) c) Different between application software and system software. (2 Marks) d) Describe how to merge cells is a table. (4 Marks) e) State two examples of Database Management Software. (2 Marks) f) Differentiate between Chart sheet and embedded chart. (2 Marks)
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