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Nar0141:Ecology And Environmental Science Question Paper

Nar0141:Ecology And Environmental Science 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Define the following terms as used in Ecology and environmental science (5Marks) (i) Environment (ii) Ecology (iii)Carrying capacity (iv) Ecosystem (v) Stratosphere (b) Describe the aquatic ecosystem by giving relevant examples found in Kenya. (5Marks) (c) Describe three ecological pyramids and illustrate by use of sketches. (5Marks) (d) Discuss by using examples of the various adaptation characteristics that make parasites successful. (10Marks) (e) Discuss the various environmental adaptations for hydrophytes. (5Marks)
(a) Explain five factors that influence the human population distribution in Kenya. (10Marks) (b) Outline the processes of natural selection of living things. (5Marks) QUESTION THREE 15 MARKS (a) Outline five methods of municipal solid waste disposal. (5Marks) (b) Describe the classification and characteristics of hazardous waste. (10Marks)
QUESTION FOUR 15 MARKS Read the case study below and answer the questions. The Love Canal Tragedy In 1892, a small area near Niagara Falls, New York, USA was dug up and designed as a route for transportation and for the production of hydroelectric power connecting the lower and upper reaches of the Niagara River, called the Love Canal (named after William T. Love). The process was left incomplete and eventually became a site for waste disposal. A plastic manufacturing chemical company disposed off its wastes in sealed steel drums during the years 1940 and 50. More than 20,000 tons of 80 different chemicals were dumped in the area. In 1953, the company sold the land to the city of Niagara Falls. Subsequently, many residences and elementary schools were built on the land. The tragic story of the love canal incident started after twenty years due to heavy snow and rains. The sealed plastic wastes had corroded the drums and started leaking into the soil, buildings, water etc. Children in the school were shocked to see their rubber shoe soles disintegrating and they also suffered burns. This caused the officials to look into the matter and it was found that the wastes contained a lot of carcinogens and a wide array of toxic organic compounds like benzene, chloroform, dichloroethrylene etc. The clean up of the Love Canal totally amounted to about 275 million US dollar. The schools and homes were destroyed, the families relocated, the soil was completely covered with compacted clay, the wastes were diverted to a treatment plant, the water pipes were blocked with barriers, etc.
(a) What lessons about waste management can be learnt from this case study? (10Marks) (b) Describe the disposal method (s) appropriate for the kind of waste described in the case study. (5Marks)
QUESTION FIVE 15 MARKS Discuss the global climate change focusing on the cause, impact and mitigation measures. (15Marks)

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