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Agr0123:Fodder And Pasture Management  Question Paper

Agr0123:Fodder And Pasture Management  

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) As an agricultural extension officer working in Nkomo ward, what would you give as factors restricting the success of pasture establishment to Wendo Women Group interested in dairy keeping enterprise? (6 Marks) b) What do you understand by the following terminologies? (5 Marks) i. Pasture ii. Browse iii. Ley iv. Roughage v. Grassland c) Give five types of classes and an example of a plant in each of these as per the forage crop classification order based on the type of plant they are and the way they are used to feed livestock. (5 Marks) d) Both macro and micro elements are considered to be very important in pasture management. Explain how the two are important. (2 Marks) e) g livestock (4 Marks) f) As an officer in charge of dairy enterprise in a farm, what would you give as the objectives of pasture management? (2 Marks)
g) In pasture and fodder production management weeds have been noted to be an important factor. Explain 3 weed control methods. (3 Marks) h) Give three qualities for selection of a good pasture grass or legume. (3 Marks)
Fodder conservation is appreciated as one way of effective and efficient way of utilizing fodder materials. In view of this give a detailed account on how to make hay.
a) In the tropics livestock is kept for various reasons. Give any four reasons for this.(4 Marks) b) What do you understand by the following terminologies? i. Nurse crop. (2 Marks) ii. Seed dormancy (2 Marks) iii. Seed longerity (2 Marks) iv. Re-seeding (2 Marks) c) What do you understand by the following terms? (3 Marks) i. Mesophyte ii. Hydrophyte iii. Forage conservation
appropriate technology in dairy enterprise. As a farm manager prepare notes for teaching farmers from Maendeleo Dairy Co-operative society members on education tour to the farm. (15 Marks)
a) Give three reasons why grasses are considered suitable herbage plants. (3 Marks) b) Outline four constraints regarding forage production. (4 Marks) c) What do you understand by the following terms as used in fodder and pasture management. i. Seed inoculation. (2 Marks) ii. Hay (2 Marks) iii. Seed treatment (2 Marks) iv. Silage (2 Marks)

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