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Agr0123:Fodder And Pasture Management  Question Paper

Agr0123:Fodder And Pasture Management  

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Livestock keeping in the tropics has been and still is a very important enterprise among various communities. Give three reasons why livestock is kept (3 Marks) b. Grass can e considered as a “cash crop” true or false f true ac up your reasons (2 Marks) c. What do you understand by the following term? (5 Marks) i. Agrostology ii. Roughage iii. Pasture iv. Fodder v. Grass lands d. Give three qualities for selection of a good pasture grass or legumes (3 Marks) e. (i) What do you understand by the term forage ecology? (1 Mark) (ii) Climate is an important factor to consider while establishing a pasture, radiation regime is one of the climatic factors explains its importance (2 Marks) f. As a manager in a farm keeping livestock what would you give the supervisor in charge of pasture as factors restricting the success of pasture establishment (6 Marks) g. It is said that pasture management is very important in reference to farmers vision of attaining good results in livestock keeping. What would you give as objectives of pasture management? (2 Marks) h. Both Macro and Micro elements are very important in pasture performance explain the difference between the two types of elements (2 Marks)
i. “ it is appreciated that Rhodes grass on the global scale is the most important cultivated tropical grass of the recent days” gie four reasons for this (4 Marks)
Explain how you would make a small scale silage (15 Marks)
a. What do you understand by the following term? i. Seed longerity (2 Marks) ii. Seed viability (2 Marks) iii. Long day plants (2 Marks) iv. Nurse crop (2 Marks) b. Give four factors that determine productivity of pastured grass or legume (4 Marks) c. Explain what you understand by the following terms in pasture and fodder management i. Under sowing (1 Mark) ii. Hydrophytes (1 Mark) iii. Xerophytes (1 Mark)
Hay making is a very important method of forage conservation as an agriculture extension officer make notes to teach farmers attending a field day (15 Marks)
a. Give any three factors influencing vegetation distribution in Kenya (3 Marks) b. In fodder establishment direct method is commonly used. Explain any three points to consider while undertaking direct establishment (6 Marks) c. Give three demerits of direct method of pasture establishment ( 3 Marks) d. Outline three constraints regarding forage production (3 Marks)

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