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Dit0101:Introduction To Computers Question Paper

Dit0101:Introduction To Computers 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Define the following terms as used in computers. (6 Marks) i. Information ii. Computer network iii. Booting b. Describe any four main areas where a computer can be used. (8 Marks) c. Input devices are some of the components of a microcomputer i. What is an input device? (1 Mark) ii. Other than the keyboard and the mouse name any other three input devices. (3 Marks) iii. What are the functions of the following keyboard short cuts? (3 Marks) d. Differentiate between a web browser and a search engine. (2 Marks) e. Differentiate between system software and application software. (2 Marks) f. teacher wanted to use s xcel to process students’ mars e entered the mars into cells B2 to B10. Give the Ms Excel functions he could use to do the following: (3 Marks) i. Find the total mark ii. Calculate the average mark iii. Find out the highest mark g. Highlight three types of secondary storage devices. (3 Marks)
a. Differentiate between main memory and secondary storage. (2 Marks) b. Explain any three functions of the main memory. (6 Marks) c. A farm is in process of installing a connection to the internet:
i. Identify four ways through which the farm can benefit from the internet. (4 Marks) ii. Using examples, describe how the internet can be a disadvantage to the farm. (3 Marks)
a. Computer application packages offer many features for making work more efficient and attractive. A part from creating, saving and retrieving, i. Discuss four other features offered by word processors. (4 Marks) ii. Discuss four other features offered by spreadsheets. (4 Marks) b. State how each one of the following tasks is achieved in Ms Word. (4 Marks) i. Inserting a table ii. Underlining text c. Name any three operating systems. (3 Marks)
a. XYZ farm is in the process of computerizing its farm records. The manager has heard of the terms tailor made and off-the-shelf software but does not know the difference. i. Briefly explain the difference between the two. (2 Marks) ii. Give three computer application packages that could be installed in the farm computers and for each application package given, suggest how it can be used in the computerization of farm records. (6 Marks) b. What is computer hardware? (1 Mark) c. Explain three factors you would consider when purchasing hardware for a computer. (6 Marks)

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