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Ans0130:Ruminant Husbandry Question Paper

Ans0130:Ruminant Husbandry 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) What do you understand by the following terms as used in sheep management? i. Ewe lamb ii. Hogget iii. Tupping iv. Lambing percentage (4 Marks) b) The following practices are carried out in sheep management before tupping. Explain what each means and the reasons why it is carried out. i. Shearing ii. Dipping iii. Flushing iv. Hood trimming v. Crutching vi. Raddling (12 Marks) c) i) The following are the grades of sheep meet. ? Mutton ? Lamb
Explain what each grade is. (3 Marks)
ii) Dorper sheep is an ideal mutton sheep in range areas. How was it developed? (2 Marks)
iii) Which crossbreed sheep other than dorper is suitable for mutton production in damp humid areas of Kenya and why is it suitable? (3 Marks)
d) i) What is parturition in livestock production? (1 Mark) ii) List the signs of approaching parturition in livestock. (5 Marks)
a) List the nutrients that make up a balanced ration for a dairy cow. (4 Marks) b) What is the effect of ration which is not balanced on a dairy cow? (3 Marks) c) i) Differentiate between succulent and dry roughages. (2 Marks) ii) Give any four succulent roughages and any two dry roughages for feeding a dairy cow. (6 Marks)
a) Name any four living causes of diseases in livestock. (4 Marks) b) Explain how the following conditions can be used to tell whether an animal is in good or bad health. i. Body temperature ii. Appetite iii. Dung and urine iv. Production level (8 Marks) c) i) What is a notifiable disease? (2 Marks) ii) Give one example of a notifiable disease in a dairy cattle production. (1 Mark)
a) i) List six livestock management practices that can be carried and in a crush (6 Marks) ii) Why should the floor of a calf pen be movable, slatted and raised above the ground? (2 Marks) b) List four factors that should be considered when selecting materials for constructing a dairy shed. (4 Marks) c) Give three reasons why a farmer should use concrete floors when constructing dairy sheds. (3 Marks)
a) i) Name the species of camels. (2 Marks) ii) Which species of camel is found in Kenya? (1 Mark) b) Explain the adaptations of a camel that make it survive in arid and semi-arid areas. (9 Marks) c) How does a donkey defend itself?

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