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Agr0121:Rural And Urban Sociology Question Paper

Agr0121:Rural And Urban Sociology 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Explain the following terms as used in Sociology. (i) Social structure (ii) Relative advantage (iii)Culture (iv) Rural sociology (v) Influence (5Marks) (b) Explain five effects of social stratification in a social system. (5Marks) (c) Explain any five problems that face farmers which may be overcome through formation of cooperative societies. (5Marks) (d) Explain any five functions of education as a social institution. (5Marks) (e) Describe any five characteristics of rural societies. (5Marks) (f) Explain the significance of rural and urban sociology to agricultural officers. (5Marks)
(a) Discuss family as a social institution. (10Marks) (b) Explain the significance of groups in agricultural development. (5Marks) QUESTION THREE 15 MARKS (a) Distinguish between the following: (i) Class and caste system (ii) Horizontal and vertical mobility (4Marks) (b) Explain the characteristics of the caste system (5Marks) (c) Citing an example, explain how culture may hinder or promote development in a social system. (6Marks)
QUESTION FOUR 15 MARKS (a) A new farming method has been introduced in Meru Country, describe five main stages the farmers are likely to go through before they decide to adopt or reject the method. (10Marks) (b) Explain how intergenerational social mobility occurs. (5Marks)
QUESTION FIVE 15 MARKS (a) A social change may be either planned or unplanned. Discuss. (10Marks) (b) Explain the effects of good leadership in Agriculture development. (5Marks)

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