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Agr0222:Horticultural Production Question Paper

Agr0222:Horticultural Production 

Course:Diploma In Agriculture

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Horticulture is described as both art and a science. Discuss. (2Marks) (b) Discuss aspects considered when classifying horticultural crops. (5Marks) (c) Discuss the role of photosynthesis in plant growth and development. (5Marks) (d) Discuss the role of plant hormones in plant growth and development. (3Marks) (e) Discuss environmental factors that influence seed germination in a nursery bed. (4Marks) (f) Distinguish between determinate and indeterminate tomatoes. (2Marks) (g) Discuss tomato crop production with reference to following key agronomic practises. (5Marks) (i) Transplanting (ii) Gaping (iii) Pruning (iv) Mulching (v) Weeding (vi) Pest and disease control (vii) Irrigation (h) Blossom end rot is a common disease in tomatoes.
(i) State the two possible causes of this disease. (2Marks) (ii) Give two symptoms of the disease. (2Marks)
Kenya is a major producer of bananas in East and Central Africa. However, 40% of the commodity is lost due to poor post-harvest management practises and technologies. (a) Describe two main methods of banana propagation. (5Marks) (b) Discuss five (5) causes of losses due to poor post harvest management practises and technologies in bananas in Kenya. (10Marks) QUESTION THREE – 15 MARKS (a) Differentiate between spray carnations and standard carnations. (2Marks) (b) Discuss carnation propagation (10Marks) (c) Discuss post harvest management practices necessary to prolong carnations shelf-life. (3Marks)
QUESTION FOUR – 15 MARKS (a) Distinguish between supply chain and value chain management. (5Marks) (b) Critique the role of middle men in the horticultural value chain management in Kenya. (10Marks)
QUESTION FIVE – 15 MARKS (a) Describe five (5) career opportunities in horticulture. (5Marks) (b) Discuss the contribution of horticulture in the Kenyan economy. (10Marks)

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