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Managerial Marketing Question Paper

Managerial Marketing 

Course:Master Of Business Administration

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2009









-Answer Question ONE (compulsory) and any other THREE questions.

Read the case below and answer the questions that follow.


From the time Philip Morris Inc. acquired the Miller Brewing Company in 1970 there has been a shake-up in beer industry-in particular, light beers. In 10 years Miller has succeeded in a 15 million-bbl market for a product, which was traditionally thought to be a marginal item appealing to women and infrequent beer drinkers.

Miller's success stemmed from a well-researched market-positioning plan. Research on one of Miller's unsuccessful "diet" beers, Meister Brau LIte, uncovered one geographic market where the traditional views of light beers did not hold. Many heavy drinkers in the steel town of Anderson, Indiana, drank Meister Brau Lite because it didn't "fill them up as much as regular beers". This was found to be a welcome attribute for heavy beer drinkers nationwide-as long as the taste was comparable to regular beers. Thus was formulated the basic strategy for the introduction of Miller Lite beer. Miller's has focused on positioning the brand to heavy beer drinker, using well-known personalities whose appearance and fame would establish Lite beer as acceptable to men.

The success of their product positioning was shown only after 18 months. Miller Lite was 40 per cent ahead of its volume and share objectives. The other major beer producers continued to be unaware of the market potential for light beers for some time contributing to the success of Miller Lite by allowing it to capture a large share with no competition. Since the successful introduction of Miller Lite, more than 40 low-calorie beers have been introduced. Anheuser-Busch has introduced three: Michelob, Natural Light, and the latest, Budweiser Light. In spite of miller's current 60 percent market share, Miller's marketing staff has no delusion of security. Competition, especially from the nation's number 1 beer producer and number 2 light beer producer, Anheuser-Busch, has been intense and is likely to continue.


(i) What caused Miller to be successful in mass marketing a light beer when other firms had failed?( 4 mks)

(ii) Why has Anheuser-Busch's positioning been relatively unsuccessful against Miller?(4 mks)

(iii) What do you suppose were the two major attributes used to position Miller Lite? ( 4mks)

(iv) What can Miller Lite's marketing team do to maintain their superior position?(5mks)

(v) What can the small, regional beer producers do in the face of such strong competition?(8 mks)

Question 2

a) You have been contracted by Chungwa Enterprises to set up a price for its newly manufactured iron sheets. The following information has been extracted from the company's records.


Fixed costs---------Kshs. 1,000,000/=

Variable costs per unit------Kshs.200/=

Expected units sales----------100,000 iron sheets

The management expects to earn 20% return on investment.


(i) The unit cost(4 mks)

(ii) The firm's mark-up price(4 mks)

(iii) The profit per unit(2 mks)

b) Explain the internal and external factors that marketers should take into account when determining the price of a product.(15 mks)

Question 3

You have been approached by a local school which teaches 11 to 16 year old pupils and asked to advise the school on its marketing planning.

a) Explain those components of a marketing plan that would be relevant to this school.(15 mks)

b) Recommend the range of methods which this school could adopt for evaluating and controlling the marketing plan.(10 mks)

Question 4

a) Using examples from the local market explain the roles of marketing to the society.(10 mks)

b) Discuss the case for government involvement in marketing activities.(15 mks)

Question 5

The key to winning and keeping customers is to understand their needs and buying processes better than your competitors, and to deliver more value.Explain the various ways that a firm may differentiate its offer from those of its competitors.(25 mks)

Question 6

a) Discuss the factors that affect promotion mix ingredients used by an organization and the intensity with which an organization uses them.(15 mks)

b) Discuss the role played by information technology in providing additional value for the consumer in any organization of your choice.(10 mks)

Question 7

When designing marketing channels, marketers must understand the service output levels desired by target customers.

a) Explain the service outputs produced by marketing channels.(10 mks)

b) Discuss the criteria against which each channel alternate needs to be evaluated.(6 mks)

c) Discuss the importance of motivating channel members and explain the various methods you would use to achieve the same.(9 mks)

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