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Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design Question Paper

Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a. It is possible for systems analysis involved in the introduction of new or upgraded computer systems to encounter resentment and opposition from existing employees. This may take many forms form outright opposition to active hostility toward the new system during fact finding interviews. Outline any six methods you can use to deal with user resistance to the deployment of a new system. (6 Marks) b. Security of information systems is the protection of availability, confidentiality and integrity. Outline four ways of minimizing risks of the threats to information system security. (4 Marks) c. Anything that threatens the success of a project represents a risk to it. Describe ways of managing risk. (4 Marks) d. Elaborate on the various skills required for a systems analyst. (6 Marks) e. Explain the components of a computerized information system. (6 Marks) f. Explain the advantages of walkthrough in information system development. (4 Marks)
a. Give four reasons why an IT department might decide against using an integrated CASE tool for its systems development. (4 Marks) b. Outline four potential advantages of outsourcing the information systems department. (4 Marks) c. A fast food organization has expanded the number of outlets around a city. At the moment the outlets use conventional cash tills. The organization would like to implement a Point-Of-Sale (POS) system in all its outlets with linkages to a centralized computer. Assume you are the organiation’s systems analyst and you hae been ased to assist in the conersation process from the existing system to the new one. Recommend the most suitable change-over method for the new system clearly highlighting its benefits. (6 Marks) d. Explain three advantages and three disadvantages of a prototype. (6 Marks)
a. Briefly explain the importance of systems theory concepts. (4 Marks) b. Explain the role of four stakeholders in information systems development. (4 Marks) c. Kenya Breweries Ltd uses internet and an electronic commerce website to connect to its customers and suppliers and to capture data and share information about sales orders and purchases. Videoconferencing and electronic mail services are also provided. Data gathered by a beer brewing process are captured by sensors and processed by a computer that also suggests answers to complex brewing problems posed by a plant engineer. Managers and business professionals access reports on a periodic, exception and demand basis and use computers to interactively assess the possible results of alternative decisions.
Explain two types of information systems being used at the Kenya Breweries Ltd. Justifying your choice using the case above. (6 Marks)
d. Outline the factors that should be considered when selecting a computer hardware supplier. (6 Marks)
a. SSADM has a number of advantages over other approaches to systems development. Outline four advantages of SSADM. (4 Marks) b. Identify four logical limitations of expert systems. (4 Marks) c. Briefly explain six main areas an organization would consider when reviewing the performance of a system. (6 Marks) d. Describe three types of management information systems reports. (6 Marks)
a. Formulate the steps involved in decision making. (4 Marks) b. Describe the general guidelines for designing a dialogue. (6 Marks) c. Give six reasons for centralising the information systems department. (6 Marks) d. The terms of reference document prepared by the steering committee acts as a reference document throughout the development stages. What is its importance? (4 Marks)

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