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Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design Question Paper

Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a. Describe the pilot approach method of system change over along with its advantages and disadvantages. (6 Marks) b. Identify four challenges a system analyst is likely to encounter in his or her work. (4 Marks) c. The accuracy and quality of systems is often assessed during “structured walkthrough”. Outline four advantages of “Structured walkthrough” (4 Marks) d. Differentiate between the following terms: (6 Marks) i. Transaction processing system and management information system ii. Open system and open loop system
e. During a design and development of a computerized information processing system, various types of documentations are produced. Explain four functions performed by some of these documentations. (4 Marks) f. Explain the observation method of fact finding giving its advantages and disadvantages. (6 Marks) QUESTION TWO – 20 MARKS
a. Expert systems perform tasks at the level of a human expert. Identify the basic advantages realized in the use of expert systems. (4 Marks)
b. Information systems (IS) projects can be initiated by business managers for various reasons. In both conventional and structured methodologies, feasibility studies are normally conducted early in the IS project. Suggest four common reasons why managers would initiate an IS project. (4 Marks)
c. For a feasibility study conducted under either a conventional or a structured methodology: i. Summarize the contents of the feasibility study report. (4 Marks) ii. On conclusion of a feasibility study, what decisions can be made regarding the future of the IS project? (2 Marks)
d. Outline six golden principles of interface design. (6 Marks)
a. Discuss the importance of standards in systems analysis and design. (6 Marks) b. The consultant has identified a number of activities their preceding activities and time estimates for the redefinition project (see below)
Activity Activity Description Preceding Activities
Estimated Duration (Days) A Define and agree on terms of reference - 6 B Re-define functional requirements A 4 C Define non-functional requirements A 2 D Define process models B 7 E Models B 4 F Define static infrastructure requirements C 8 G Prepare final report and recommendations D, E, F 4
i. Draw a network chart for this project. (4 Marks) ii. Identify the critical path (2 Marks) iii. State the estimated duration of the project. (2 Marks) iv. If the activity E overruns by 2 days, what effect does it have on the duration of the project? (2 Marks) c. Outline the steps that would be used in developing a prototype. (4 Marks)
a. The terms of reference document prepared by the steering committee acts as a reference document throughout the development stages. What is its importance? (4 Marks)
b. Outline six factors that are to be considered when acquiring computer hardware. (6 Marks)
c. Explain what advantages a CASE tool offers the systems developer compared to using manually produced and maintained diagrams, standards and documents. (5 Marks)
d. Some of the tasks involved in system implementation include training, testing and file conversion. What are the objectives of training? (5 Marks)
a. Discuss four steps followed in risk management process. (4 Marks) b. Elaborate on four skills required for a system analyst. (4 Marks) c. Briefly explain the main areas an organization would consider when reviewing the performance of a system. (6 Marks) d. Security of information systems is the protection of availability, confidentiality and integrity. Outline four ways of minimizing risks of the threats to information system security. (6 Marks)

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