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Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design Question Paper

Hbc2124:Information Systems Analysis And Design 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a. Explain the following information systems using an example: i. Transaction processing systems (2 Marks) ii. Office automation systems (2 Marks) iii. Executive support systems (2 Marks) b. Highlight two primary roles of the system analyst. (2 Marks) c. Explain two qualities of the system analyst. (2 Marks) d. Outline four key areas of feasibility study. (4 Marks) e. Outline the guidelines for developing a prototype (4 Marks) f. Explain two advantages and two disadvantages of a prototype. (4 Marks) g. Explain two methods of gathering information. (4 Marks) h. (4 Marks)
a. Briefly discuss the disadvantages of the traditional system development life cycle. (SDLC) (4 Marks) b. Identify four challenges a system analyst is likely to encounter in his or her work. (4 Marks) c. Discuss the importance of standards in systems analysis and design. (6 Marks) d. Outline six golden principles of interface design. (6 Marks)
a. For a feasibility study conducted under either a convectional or a structured methodology; summarise the contents of the feasibility study report. (4 Marks) b. advantages and disadvantag (4 Marks) c. Outline the factors that should be considered when selecting a computer hardware supplier. (6 Marks)
d. In Meru University examinations system, each unit shall be graded out of 100 marks and the pass mark shall be 40. The marks shall be translated into letter grades as follows: 70% and above A 60% and below 70% B 50% and below 60% C 40% and below 50% D Below 40% E
Develop a complete decision table, showing all conditions and actions together with appropriate decision rules. (6 Marks)
a. Briefly explain the main areas an organization would consider when reviewing the performance of a system. (4 Marks) b. Security of information systems is the protection of availability, confidentiality and integrity. Outline six ways of minimizing risks of the threats to information system security. (6 Marks) c. Outline the criteria for selection an appropriate methodology for developing information systems. (4 Marks) d. Read through the following narrative carefully and then create a single-level logical DFD. Use and clearly define the symbols that you were taught on your course. You should state any assumptions that you make. Marks will be awarded for tidy diagrams. (6 Marks
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The Course Officer then sends a report, together with the completed application form, to the Course Director who will consider on the evidence provided whether to accept the application or not.
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a. It is possible for systems analysis involved in the introduction of new or upgraded computer systems to encounter resentment and opposition from existing employees. This may take many forms from outright opposition to active hostility toward the new system during fact finding interviews. Outline four measures that can be taken by the systems analyst to alleviate this resistance. (4 Marks) b. Briefly explain the functions of the steering committee. (4 Marks) c. (6 Marks) d. Effective project management involves identifying risks in advance and then developing strategies either to reduce or remove the risks. Identify the sources of risk.

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