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Management Information Systems Question Paper

Management Information Systems 

Course:Master Of Science (Food, Nutrition & Dietetics)

Institution: Kenya Methodist University question papers

Exam Year:2009









-Answer Question ONE and any other THREE questions.

-The length of the answers should be guided by the marks allocated to each question.

-Clearly articulate practical illustrations where required.

Questions 1

In 2007, African Aviation Company was in a financial crisis. The company posted KES 1.5 billion loss for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared with earnings of KES 1.2 billion the same period a year earlier.Drastic measures were measures necessary to try to save the aviation giant. In an effort to cut costs and improve financial results, African Aviation restructured its operations-cutting 200 jobs, closing two subsidiary companies and discontinuing three of the non core business operations. The company then turned to streamlining its business processes. " African Aviation understands the only way to improve their financial position is to streamline internal processes, because that has the highest potential for cutting costs" said Mark, an analyst. Among other things, the management decided to consolidate all its data and information processing activities under one organization wide integrated system.This included activities that had been hitherto outsourced from large technology companies or dozens of smaller technology firms.

a) Discuss the factors driving organizations like African Aviation to turn to management information systems to turn their dwindling fortunes around.(10 mks)

b) Explain how the envisaged information system can be designed to make African Aviation competitive again.(10 mks)

c) Describe the financial management aspect of the information system.(10 mks)

d) Discuss the contents of the feasibility report of the above project.(10 mks)

Question 2

a) Discuss the concept of digital convergence and the challenges it poses organizations in the sectors concerned as well as possible mechanisms for confronting these challenges.(5 mks)

b) Due to the fact that information systems are computer based, it is common for many users to confuse them. Use practical examples to distinguish the two systems and explain how each distinction is relevant to systems design.(5 mks)

c) Distinguish between the following related systems concepts:

(i) Shareware and freeware

(ii) Databases and data warehouses

(iii) Basic productivity and specialty solutions

(iv) Open and closed systems

(v) Low level and high level languages.(10 mks)

Question 3

A financial services company has been developing and maintaining in-house relational database systems for many years.It has an IT Department with a staff of 20 which include staff that perform database development and database administration activities.Current applications that the IT Department Support include a personnel database system, which keeps details of staff and training, and a customer database system, which keeps details of the company's major customers and the company products which they purchase.

The company is interested in the development of a data warehouse.

a) Define what a data warehouse is, and highlight the differences between developing a data warehouse to that of developing a database application to support functional operations (such as the personnel database system).(10 mks)

b) You have been asked to assess the feasibility of developing this data warehouse.Explain the issues you would consider.(10 mks)

Question 4

a) Take a marketing decision making scenario to illustrate the differences between operational and strategic management for purposes of information system design.(8 mks)

b) Discuss using appropriate business management applications the hallmarks that set decision support systems apart from expert systems.(7 mks)

c) Make the argument that management information systems are essentially designed for control purposes.(5 mks)

Question 5

An establishment telecommunications company is considering its future business strategy.The Finance Director (FD) believes strongly that a formal approach should be adopted, whereby business objectives are agreed before an IS strategy is formed. The FD requires that the strategy be developed using established techniques and suggests that Porter's Competitive Forces Model and Value Chain Analysis process be adopted.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) accepts this up to a point but argues that, in many industries, IS and the emergence of new technologies can influence future ways of conducting business and that the old model of "business first, IS second" may no longer be entirely relevant.

a) Describe Porter's Competitive Forces Model and his Value Chain Analysis process and comment on the effectiveness of these for developing strategic objectives(12 mks)

b) Argue for and against the CIO's assertion that "business first, IS second" may no longer be relevant, giving appropriate examples to justify your arguments.(8 mks)

Question 6

Home Maintenance Direct, a mail order hardware organization, has been able to expand its business by mailing details of special offers to selected customers and, by using a call centre, keeping them updated with telephone calls and emails. Although the organization provides building supplies to private individuals at low prices, additional discounts are provided to registered builders. Whilst this approach has been successful, poor record keeping has resulted in staff becoming confused between the two types of customer and occasionally registered builders are charged the non-discounted price and become angry and complain. a) Describe a type of package solution that could manage and store details of the various communications made with the customers.(10 mks)

b) Discuss the possible implications this package would have on other systems that store customer information.(5 mks)

c) Outline the management information that could be provided by such a package.(5 mks)

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