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Hbc2213:Employee Resourcing Question Paper

Hbc2213:Employee Resourcing 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a) What do you understand by human resource planning? Describe its objectives. ( 5 Marks) b) Discuss with relevant examples methods of recruitment used by human resource managers and their merits and demerits. ( 10 Marks) c) What is human resource accounting? In what ways it is useful to management of human resources. ( 10 Marks) d) Illustrate how job description is essential for various decisions relating to managing human resources including selection, performance appraisal and training. ( 5 Marks)
a) Company XYZ is planning to carry out job analysis. Briefly explain any five uses of this exercise. ( 10 Marks) b) What is human resource Audit? Briefly discuss its scope. ( 10 marks)
a) The scope of human resource planning extends beyond identifying the numbers of people required. Discuss different types of action plans based on human resource planning exercise. ( 10 Marks) b) A manufacturing firm needs to select 10 management trainees. Explain the selection procedure the firm will adopt. ( 10 Marks)
a) Interviewing is commonly used method of selection of suitable candidates by most organizations, however it has many limitations. By use of suitable examples discuss this statement and suggest measure that can improve the quality of interviewing. ( 10 Marks) b) What do you understand by human resource records? Describe their nature and significance. (10 Marks) QUESTION FIVE (20 MARKS)
a) If you are in charge of recruiting the personnel for a large consumer marketing organization, what steps and measures would you adopt? ( 10 Marks) b) Assume that as a result of human resource planning a hospital identifies a shortage of physical therapists but surplus of administrative workers. Discuss the action that might be taken to address these shortages and surplus. ( 10 Marks)

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