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H2212:Human Resource Development Question Paper

H2212:Human Resource Development 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

Kamau completed his B.Com Degree 5 years ago at KU with Human Resource Management as his specialization. Through various internship and HR office job he gained enough experience to the large grown at the rate of 150% per year.
Kamau had done so well in the recruiting process that he was eventually promoted to the position of a HR Director at the group head office in 2010. Initially the labour turnover was only 2% which was alarming for Kamau, packages and other benefits. The company also promoted eternally and everyone was assured he will get rewarded if he worked hard in the organization. Kamau recently promoted Atieno to the vacant position of a HR manager.
After promoting Atieno, the labour turnover rose to 21%. The CEO recently requested Kamau to assist Atieno with the problem. will be to solve management problems that have arisen because of the rapid growth and various increases in labour turnover all over sudden.
that good performance is not recognized in the organization and they do not feel equitably treated or rewarded. They have also been complaining about getting managers to listen to new ideas and to act on them. Bad atmosphere is developing in the Company and recently several talented employees have left. Mutua can sense a negative organization culture.
a) Explain to Atieno, H.R Manager, six(6) major trends affecting human resources management in her organization. (6 marks)
b) Describe all the costs associated with high staff turnover. (6 marks)
c) Explain to Atieno the benefits her Company would gain by embracing formal orientation programme. (6 marks)
d) Advise Atieno the benefits her company would gain by embarking on staff training.
(6 marks)
e) Describe six(6) benefits of carrying out performance appraisal. (6 marks)
QUESTION TWO - (20 MARKS) a) Recruitment may be classified into two broad categories; namely, internal and external sources. Explain why an organization will go for external recruitment. (10 marks)
b) Job analysis is an essential element of sound human resources management. Explain five benefits of job analysis in an organization. (10 marks)
a) (10 marks)
b) Explain how you can make performance appraisal successful and effective. (10 marks)
a) Discuss at least four objectives of wage and salary administration. (8 marks)
b) Differentiate amongst the following types of employee separation; resignation, retirement and dismissal. (12 marks)
a) Explain the following techniques/methods of performance appraisal: (12 marks) i. Management by objective ii. 360 degrees appraisal b) Explain the Human Resource Management functions. (8 marks)

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