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Hbc2203:Research Methodology Question Paper

Hbc2203:Research Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

A research on the impact of M-pesa technology on small scale business in Machakos County was conducted in 2013 by Infrotrac Kenya. Four major towns selected in the county had the following number of shops dealing with retail businesses: 720, 260, 160 and 80 shops. A sample of 244 shops is to be selected using stratified sampling techniques with proportionate allocations. Using the above information answer the following questions:
(a) (i) Explain the research problem. (2 Marks) (ii) Write two measurable objectives of the study. (4 Marks) (iii) State two hypothesis of the study and explain how they will be tested. (4 Marks) (b) (i) How would you distribute the sub-samples in the four towns? (4 Marks) (ii) Sampling has been accepted in research as the best way of obtaining respondents for a study. Explain any four reasons why it was desirable for the researcher to
use 244 shops rather than the total number of shops in the four towns. (6 Marks) (c) A common problem for students starting off an undergraduate research project is that they cannot track down the relevant literature. Given the thousands of studies published every year in the field of business, discuss why many students despite the vast amount of studies published have serious problems finding relevant literature. (10 Marks)
(a) State and explain any three reasons for reviewing related literature when undertaking a research study in business. (6 Marks) (b) A book was written by Olive M. Mugenda and Abel G. Mugenda with the title Research Methods – Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches. The book was published by ACTS Press in Nairobi, Kenya in the year 2003. Using APA style write how this book would appear on the reference list. (4 Marks) (c) Any research undertaking revolves around selected research designs that can assist in capturing anticipated data. State and discuss any four research designs that can apply in business research. (10 Marks)
(a) A researcher in the field of information technology needs to acquaint himself with the prime sources of information. Discuss any four of such resources. (6 Marks) (b) During field inquiry, researchers encounter various difficulties. Discuss various ways a researcher in business should organize him/herself prior to conducting data. (14 Marks)
(a) (i) Define the phrase data interpretation. (2 Marks) (ii) In your own views discuss the importance of data interpretation. (8 Marks) (b) Suppose that you are looking for a research problem to study in business and you are experiencing difficulties pinning down one. Discuss any five areas that would be source of you research problem. (10 Marks)
(a) Giving relevant examples explain under what conditions would you recommend the following: (i) Stratified sampling technique. (2 Marks) (ii) Snollball sampling technique (2 Marks) (b) Explain any four major sources of measurement error. (8 Marks) (c) In a research study in social sciences a good study must be guided by a theory or few selected theories. State and explain the importance of using a theory in any research. (8 Marks)

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