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Hbc2203:Research Methodology Question Paper

Hbc2203:Research Methodology 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

a) In the event of carrying out research studies a researcher reviews related literature of materials in relation to problem of the research; Evaluate the challenges that may be encountered during this review. ( 10 Marks) b) Research has been described as a scientific study by which one attempt to find out systematically and in empirical manner solutions to a particular problem. Discuss why research is a science of investigative nature or why it is not. ( 6 Marks) c) Given the scenario:- It is quite clear that in present circumstance of business competitions, firms that are focused promote training of their employees. Basing arguments on this statement. i) Coin a topic problem for investigation. (2 Marks) ii) Write three realistic hypotheses from topic formulated in (i) above. (6 Marks) iii) Given that the said organizations spread across a given region X in Kenya with 18 outlets, discuss the sampling procedures that would be used to sample various middle level employees for inquiry purposes. ( 6 Marks)
a) The ultimate methods of carrying out data collection in research are guided by the measurability of study variables. By giving relevant examples in business management, justify the above statement in regard to quantitative levels of measurement. ( 15 Marks) b) State and explain human issues that researchers are obliged to observe during field inquiry. ( 5 Marks) QUESTION THREE (20 MARKS) Research design is the adhesive that holds together all elements in a research undertaking. Explain ways in which the following research designs manage to do this. i) Historical research design (8 Marks) ii) Survey research design (6 Marks) iii) Descriptive research design (6 Marks)
a) A questionnaire is a commonly used research instrument in collecting information during surreys. Discuss ways of ensuring successful usage of a questionnaire during field inquiry. ( 14 Marks) b) With clear illustrations analyze three ways of organizing raw data obtained by a researcher from a field inquiry. ( 6 Marks)
a) Discuss under what circumstance researchers employ the use of non-probability sampling techniques. ( 6 Marks0 b) Sampling has been accepted in research as the best waya of obtaining respondents for a study who are representative of the characteristics of the target group. Differentiate between the following. (i) Sequential and cluster sampling (7 Marks) (ii) Purposive and stratified sampling (7 Marks)

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