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Hcb2112:Sales Management Question Paper

Hcb2112:Sales Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

(i) The sales manager of XYZ motor company needs to recruit sales people to fill some vacancies that have arisen in his department. He has approached you to assist him in preparing a suitable:
(a) Job description (7Marks)
(b) Job specification (7Marks)
(ii) Differentiate the following terms:
(a) Sales quota and sales territory
(b) Role playing and training
(c) Motivation and Compensation. (6Marks)
(iii) The main aim of personal selling is to make a sale; giving relevant real life examples explain the advantages of personal selling. (10Marks)
(i) Salesmanship is an art of persuasion. With relevant real life examples, explain the essential requisites of effective salesmanship. (12Marks)
(ii) Sales forecasts at times may not tally with the actual sales that are realized. Explain some of the errors that may be committed during sales forecasting and give measures that a manager could apply to avoid errors.
(i) Sales forecasting is not only important for the sales team but its also important for the entire organization. Discuss. (15Marks)
(ii) Why is it important to supervise a sales team? (5Marks)
(i) The marketing director of Murata Ltd has requested you to train the new sales person who have been hired in your department. Prepare a suitable training program to be used during the training of the recruits. (10Marks)
(ii) Selling services poses different challenges compared to those faced while selling goods. Discuss and explain the measures you would take to counter these challenges. (10Marks)
(i) The sales process constitutes an important role in creating customer value. Giving relevant examples explain the eight steps involved in the sales process. (15Marks)
(ii) xpain te reevance of aso’s ierarcy of needs otivation teory in today’s saes force management. (10Marks)

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