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Hbc2205:Financial Management In Public Sector Question Paper

Hbc2205:Financial Management In Public Sector 

Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Describe the key characteristics of Government organizations. (3 marks) b) Discuss the similarities and differences between profit seeking and Government organizations. (4 marks) c) Governmental organizations are subjected to more stringent legal, regulatory and other controls than are private business. Discuss way in which governmental organization operations are regulated and controlled. (6 marks) d) Discuss the following types of Government funds: (7 marks) i) General fund ii) Special Revenue fund iii) Capital Project fund iv) Debt service fund v) Permanent fund e) Discuss the purpose of budgeting control. (4 marks) f) Explain the purpose of consolidated fund. (2 marks) g) Describe the qualifications of the controller of budget. (4 marks)
a) f leislators decide to redce a proram’s fnding from existing levels, programme administrators can respond in several ways. Discuss the response strategies that they can employ. (10 marks)
b) Describe THREE pragmatic concepts used by Financial Managers when developing a tax system. (10 marks)
a) Explain the role of the following institutions: (9 marks) a. National Revenue Authority b. Commission of revenue allocation c. Central Bank of Kenya d. Economic and Social Council b) Parliament is responsible for enacting legislations to regulate the taxation and other revenue powers of the Government, sharing revenue and making of grant to Government agencies. Explain consideration that are taken into account while making such legislation. (11 marks)
a) Explain the classification of Government Expenditure (9 marks) b) Explain PARETO efficiency (3 marks) c) In the process of accelerating capital accumulation, the authorities have to take precaution to maximize the benefits of public expenditure and to avoid the possible harmful incidental effects. Explain measures taken to achieve this objective. (8 marks)
a) Identify FIVE sources of public finance. (5 marks) b) Explain the concept of market failure. (5 marks) c) Explain classification and types of public debts. (10 marks)

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