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Hps2110:Marketing Question Paper


Course:Bachelor Of Commerce

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

Expert Print (K) Ltd is a Kenyan business company based in Mombasa. The core business of the company is design, print and sales of birthday Christmas cards. This is a family business with annual turnover of Kshs. 450 million. Mr. Kwetu is the founder and Managing Director. He is also the sole designer. Mr. Kwetu is planning to retire at the end of this year.
M after gaining qualification in design and print. The only other staffs in the company are three printers and a sales force of five employed for over the two years to cover the whole business with little investment in technology.
Mr. Kwetu currently funds any developments to business from profits made in previous years. He is cautious about business expansion and likes to oversee the printing and sales operations personally. Edward, the eldest son has many ideas for the business as he prepares to take over from his father.
Edward has discussed his ideas with James and Rebecca and these are some of his initial thoughts:
Expansion of the range of cards The introduction of new product lines. An increase in sales throughout the country The development of marketing and publicity plans for the next five years Recruitment of more staff
The re-structuring of the entire business with plans to open divisional offices in the other districts. The expansion of the business into the entire East Africa.
(a) Case study question: (i) Identify environmental and organizational characteristics which are likely to affect future strategic decisions for the business and its supply chain. (8Marks) (ii) If you were Edward, explain whether you would plan for the strategy to expand and develop the business first or whether you would re-structure the business both in Kenya and East Africa first. (8 Marks)
(b) Explain any six areas in which Procurement Department can contribute towards the attainment of the corporate objectives. (8Marks)
(c) Write short notes on the following terms: (i) Purchasing strategy (1Mark) (ii) Procurement Policy (1Mark) (iii) What is a vision (2Marks) (iv) A mission statement (2Marks)
You have been employed as a new supply chain manager in a leading chain of super markets in Kenya. Your first task is to evaluate the strategies used to manage the current supply chain in place. With relevant examples, discuss criteria for selecting and evaluating a good supply chain strategy. (20Marks)
Using Porters Five Forces Model, critically evaluate the competitive environment of an organization with which you are familiar. Discuss how the situation can be improved (20Marks)
(a) Discuss the five steps in environmental analysis identified by Johnson, Schole and Whittington. (10Marks) (b) Explain how general principles of strategic management maybe modified or adapted in the context of:- (i) Small business (4Marks) (ii) Public Sector organization (4Marks) (iii) The Voluntary or non-profit making organizations. (2Marks)
Supplier Relationship Management is an important tool in Procurement Policy and Strategy. Discuss any five buyer-supplier relationship.

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