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Hps2214:Transport Economics Question Paper

Hps2214:Transport Economics 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

QUESTION ONE – (30MARKS) The demand for motorcycle is related to the price of bicycle by the following. ? ? 3 2 bm PQ ? . Where;
Qm= Quantify of motorcycle
Pb = Price of Bicycle.
(a) Determine the demand for motorcycle when the price of bicycle is 8. (2 Marks) (b) Find the cross-elasticity of demand for motorcycle with respect to Pb when ???? = 2 and interpret your results. (6 Marks) (c) Explain with illustrations the term, “the demand for transport is a derived demand”. (6 Marks) (d) Discuss the following essential elements of transport in relation to air transport. (12 Marks) (i) Unit of carriage (ii) Method of propulsion (iii) Way (iv) Terminal (e) Discuss reasons why transport is such an important area in economics. (4 Marks)
Based on the world class transportation practices, discuss the recommended set of transportation management systems (TMS) requirements. (20 Marks)
(a) Explain the following terms as used in transport economics. (10 Marks) (i) Airway bill (ii) Bill of lading (iii) Charter party (iv) Passenger liners (v) Tramp steamers (b) Explain the circumstances under which a company would prefer to hire means of transport rather than leasing or outright purchase. (10 Marks)
Discuss the economic factors that you would put into consideration when choosing between air transport and motor vehicle as a means of transport. (20 Marks)
QUESTION FIVE – (20 MARKS) (a) Explain the various approaches of marketing mix for public service vehicles (PSVs). (8 Marks) (b) Discuss the criticisms of CBA (Cost Benefit Analysis) in assessing road transport. (12 Marks)

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