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Bbt2110:Internet Commerce Question Paper

Bbt2110:Internet Commerce 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a. Differentiate between e-commerce and e-business. (2 marks)
b. Briefly describe the purpose following infrastructure used in e-business.
i. Intranet (1 mark) ii. Extranet (1 mark) iii. Groupware (1 mark) iv. Common Gateway Interface (1 mark) c. Differentiate between front-end and back-end e-business infrastructure giving an example in each case. (2 marks)
d. Briefly explain how e-commerce is applied in the following areas. i. Marketing (1mark) ii. After sell service (1 mark)
e. Explain three factors that determine encryption strength. (3 marks)
f. What roles do the following participants play in e-commerce payment transaction? i. Acquirer (2 marks) ii. Issuer (2 marks) iii. Payment gateway (2 marks)
g. Electronic publishing is the use of computers to produce and distribute information. Explain any 3 drawbacks of electronic publishing. (6 marks)
h. Identify any 3 criteria used by packet filtering firewalls when filtering information in a network. (3 marks)
i. Identify any two challenges in enforcing taxation on transaction through the internet. (2 marks)
a. A company would like to link their Management Information System to the internet to enhance transacting with their clients. Outline the challenges the organization may encounter by connecting their internal systems to the internet. (6 marks)
b. Differentiate credit card and debit card giving one advantage of each card. (4 marks)
c. Two businesses transact frequently by exchanging business documents through e-mails and postal mails. The two businesses wish to standardize their business documents by implementing a system that will facilitate exchange of business documents online with minimum human interaction.
i. Identify the most appropriate system that will facilitate exchange of business documents between the two businesses automatically. (2 marks)
ii. Identify FOUR requirements for implementing the above system. (4 marks)
iii. Explain how data received in the above system is interpreted. (4 marks)
a. Explain common steps involved in transacting in business-to-customer e-commerce. (6 marks)
b. An organization wishes to enhance decision making using by capturing customer details online, analyze customer details to understand customers’ behavior. i. Identify and describe the most appropriate system the company will use to analyze customer behavior. (2 marks) ii. Explain the technique used by the system identified in 2(a) above to keep track of online visitors. (4 marks)
c. (i) Implementation of an interactive e-commerce framework involves integrating different software to display company information, allow inputs, payment and storage of data. Identify and explain the purpose of any six types of software/programming languages required to develop an interactive e-commerce platform. (4 marks)
(ii) Outline stages of setting up an e-commerce platform. (4 marks)
QUESTION FOUR a) An SME in operating in remote location would like to market and sell its products online to increase its customer base. i. Identify and describe any 6 infrastructure the business will require to establish a system that will facilitate online transaction. (6 marks) ii. Explain ways of authenticating the website to form trust among visitors to the website. (4 marks)
b) Implementation of an information system such as an e-business requires an organization to assess the impact of implementing the system to the organizations goals. Outline steps involved in developing e-commerce strategic plan. (6 marks)
c) Briefly discuss four advantages of internet if adopted by the government in provision of services. ( 4 marks)
a. Explain the types of encryptions listed below: (4 marks) i. Symmetric ii. Asymmetric
b. Explain any two security measures a company may employ to protect its internal systems linked to an online interface from unauthorized access. (4 marks)
c. Briefly explain the following issues in relation to e-commerce i. Protecting intellectual rights (2 marks) ii. Fraud (2 marks) iii. Confidentiality (2 marks)
d. Kenya has experienced tremendous growth in internet access over the last 10 years but this growth is not reflected on online transaction volume in the country. Discuss reasons why the growth of internet does not result to growth in online business transactions in Kenya. (6 marks)

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