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Bbt2110:Internet Commerce Question Paper

Bbt2110:Internet Commerce 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

a. Explain three systems that provide input to the human resource information systems. (3 Marks) b. State three responsibilities of an information system professional. (3 Marks) c. Explain the three goals of system security. (3 Marks) d. A finance management system receives intelligence sub-system. Describe any three outputs from a financial management system. (3 Marks) e. Distinguish between the terms data mining and data warehouse in database. (2 Marks) f. Discuss four advantages of data warehouse in an organization. (4 Marks) g. State four objectives of information system planning to an organization. (4 Marks) h. State three roles of a manager in an organization. (3 Marks) i. Discuss why organizations need different information systems. (5 Marks)
a. Decision making is crucial activity at various levels of the firm. Given the new business environments enabled by technologies, managers engage in both structured, semi structured and unstructured decision making. i. Explain three characteristics of structured and three characteristics of unstructured and two characteristics of semi structured decision making. (8 Marks) ii. Describe the decision making process as conceptualized by Herbert Simon. (6 Marks) b. Explain the benefits of using the internet as a strategic management information tool. (6 Marks)
a. Explain any four competitive business strategies. (8 Marks) b. Give two uses of information technology in attaining each of the competitive business strategies. (8 Marks) c. Describe the four steps in information security management. (4 Marks)
a. Describe the phases of system development in their logical order. (7 Marks) b. Explain how the use of information technology can bring about improvements in productivity in organizations. (5 Marks) c. Organizations can acquire software for use in their operations in different ways. One such software acquisition method is outsourcing: i. Explain the term outsourcing (2 Marks) ii. State three disadvantages and three advantages of outsourcing over other software acquisition methods. (6 Marks)
a. Controls upon information systems are based upon two underlying principles of the need to ensure the accuracy of the data held by the organization and the need to protect against loss or damage. Giving relevant examples discuss at least five common threats faced by organizational information systems. (10 Marks) b. Assess the four powerful worldwide changes that have altered the business environment in Kenya. (4 Marks) c. Define telecommunications? With appropriate examples, explain why telecommunications are important to business success. (6 Marks)

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