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Bbt2110:Internet Commerce Question Paper

Bbt2110:Internet Commerce 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

(a) Define the following terms: (5Marks) (i) Information system (ii) Open systems (iii) System development life cycle (iv) Competitive advantage (v) Ethics
(b) Describe three major management challenges to building and using information systems. (6Marks) (c) Describe the relationship of the information systems to each other. (2Marks) (d) System analysts require skills for system development process. State and briefly explain three of these skills. (6Marks) (e) State three types of decision applicable in any organization. Explain one characteristic of each. (6Marks) (f) Outline three risks associated with E-Commerce. (3Marks) (g) Differentiate between Extranets and Intranet. (2Marks)
QUESTION TWO –20 MARKS (a) Information systems may be broadly categorized as Operations Support Systems (OSS) and Management Support Systems (MSS). (i) Explain two types of Management Support Systems. (4Marks)
(ii) ABD Company is implementing an Operations Support System that will provide managers with reports and online access to the firm’s current performance and historical records. ? Identify this information system. (2Marks) ? Discuss two types of reports that will be produced by this system. (4Marks)
(b) There are many routes to competitive advantage, but they will involve giving firms what they perceive as superior value compared to other firms. Discuss five strategies that can be used by a firm or gaining competitive advantage. (10Marks) QUESTION THREE – 20MARKS (a) Explain five ways in which the use information technology can bring about improvements in productivity in organization. (10Marks)
(b) Select an organization you are familiar with. You may choose a department within a large organization. Analyse the structure and behaviour of the organization using computer systems concepts. Your response should include at least two examples of the following elements: Inputs, process, outputs, feedback and control (10Marks) QUESTION FOUR – 20MARKS (a) The database technology cuts though many of the problems crated by traditional file organization. Rather than storing data in separate files for each application, data are stored so as to appear to users as being stored in only one location. The need for database arises from the limitation of traditional file processing systems or file-based approach. (i) Compare and contrast file-based database systems. (4Marks) (ii) Distinguish between the terms data mining and data warehousing in databases. (4Marks) (iii)Discuss four advantages of data warehouse in an organization. (4Marks) (iv) Discuss the major types of computer information security breaches. (8Marks) QUESTION FIVE – 20MARKS (a) Explain six characteristics of relevant information for a Manager. (6Marks) (b) Explain any four threats to information system in an organization. (4Marks) (c) Discuss the five factors affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of MIS in an organization. (10Marks)

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