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Bbt2110:Internet Commerce Question Paper

Bbt2110:Internet Commerce 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

(a) Describe the following networking devices: (6Marks) (i) Bridges (ii) Switches (iii) Router (b) Explain wireless communication and its two advantages. (4Marks) (c) Briefly describe the three types of physical networks. (6Marks) (d) Distinguish between a ring topology and a star topology. (4Marks) (e) Classify the following IP addresses in class A,B,C,D or E (6Marks) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi)
(f) List and describe two protocols that accomplish communication in the network layer of the OSI model. (4Marks)
QUESTION TWO –20 MARKS (a) Explain each of the seven layers of the OSI model in the network layered architectures. (10Marks)
(b) Distinguish between UDP and TCP protocols. (6Marks)
(c) Outline two similarities and two differences between OSI and TCP/IP models. (4Marks) QUESTION THREE – 20MARKS (a) Explain five factors to consider when selecting the type of physical media to deploy in a LAN. (10Marks)
(b) List where a straight-through UTP could be used in connecting network devices. (2Marks) (c) List where a cross-over UTP could be used in connecting network devices. (2Marks) (d) Explain three disadvantages of fiber media over copper media. (6Marks)
QUESTION FOUR – 20MARKS (a) Distinguish between the following terms: Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast as used in sub-netting. (6Marks) (b) Use Fig. 1 below to answer the questions that follow:
Fig 1: (i) What is the name of the above command (2Marks) (ii) What does it do and how does it work (4Marks) (ii) Explain the results displayed in fig. 1 above. (5Marks)
(c) What is NAT and what does it do? (3Marks)
QUESTION FIVE – 20MARKS (a) Differentiate between peer to peer network and a Server based network. (2Marks) (b) What are the advantages of a server based network. (2Marks) (c) Assume that you are the Administrator of your organization and you have been asked by the management to define the security measures undertaken to secure your data, how would you go about doing this? (8Marks) (d) Describe four requirements in a LAN design. (8Marks)

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