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Bbt2110:Internet Commerce Question Paper

Bbt2110:Internet Commerce 

Course:Bachelor Of Supplies Management

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a. In the OSI model, what is the difference between headers and trailers? (2 Marks) b. Give four advantages of star topology compared to other network topologies. (4 Marks) c. Explain some of the basic questions to ask when troubleshooting a network problem. (4 Marks) d. Differentiate between passive and active hub. (2 Marks) e. Briefly explain three types of cabling technology which may be used in a fast Ethernet network. (3 Marks) f. The Lucky Ducky Corporation has a fully connected mesh network consisting of eight devices. Calculate the number of cable links needed and the number of ports for each device. (4 Marks) g. Differentiate between CSMA/CD and token passing access methods. (4 Marks) h. Briefly describe any three functions of an operating system in a network environment. (3 Marks) i. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in the network design process. i. Workstation (2 Marks) ii. OSI model (2 Marks)
a. ABC Company intends to network 20 computers using either peer-to-peer or server based network in one of the company’s premises to facilitate sharing of resources. Briefly explain three factors to consider when choosing whether to implement peer-to-peer or server based network configuration. (6 Marks) b. Wireless communication enables transmission of data form one point to another without a physical connection between the components. Wireless transmission media include radio waves and microwave transmission. Differentiate between the two waves indicating where each is applied and an advantages of each transmission. (4 Marks) c. Show, with the help of a diagram the comparison between TCP/IP and OSI model. (6 Marks) d. Give two advantages of Mesh topology. (2 Marks)
a. Distinguish between LAN and WAN, giving one example of each. (2 Marks) b. Briefly explain CSMA/CD and its use. (4 Marks) c. A network transmit information in small chunks known as packets. Explain the importance of transmitting information in small chunks. (4 Marks) d. How is a repeater different from an amplifier as in internetworking device? (4 Marks) e. There are several key deliverables for the three stages of the building block approach to network design process. What are the key deliverables for each stage? (6 Marks)
a. An organization would like to connect its local area network to the wide area network for transmitting high bandwidth data over a long distance with less electromagnetic interfaces. Identify and justify the most appropriate bounded cable to be used by the organization. (6 Marks) b. Identify any three hardware resources that can be shared in a network. (3 Marks) c. Outline steps for sharing a printer in Windows operating systems. (5 Marks) d. Differentiate between a router and a gateway. (2 Marks) e. When a network expands to cater for more computers, network administrator is required to manage the network. What are the functions of a network administrator? (4 Marks)
a. In the client server model, what is the role of the client and the server program? (2 Marks) b. Briefly explain any three types of network administration decision you must make before you begin to create user accounts. (3 Marks) c. What guidelines are followed for troubleshooting problems with large network communication? (5 Marks) d. A computer is connected to an Ethernet LAN. Assuming that it is running a web browser to access the internet using the TCP/IP protocol, produce a protocol layer diagram to represent this communication. Clearly show how the protocols being used map onto the ISO reference model (4 Marks) e. One of the basic designs used for WANs is the Ring-Bases WAN design. With the aid of a suitable diagram, explain the Ring-Based WAN design and state its primary advantages and disadvantages. (6 Marks)

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