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Szl2100:Hiv And Aids Question Paper

Szl2100:Hiv And Aids 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

a. Define the following terms in the context of HIV/AIDS. (10 Marks) i. ARV ii. PEP iii. HIV/AIDS iv. Drug resistance v. Anti bodies vi. Condoms vii. Plights of PLWHA viii. CD4 Co-receptors ix. Latent stage x. Differentiate between endemic and pandemic
b. Briefly describe the structure and life cycle of HIV. (5 Marks)
c. Condoms do not provide 100% protection against HIV/AIDS infection. Elaborate on the main reasons condoms sometimes fail to protect the user. (5 Marks)
d. Discuss the following interventions in the care and management of HIV/AIDS infected person. (5 Marks) i. Nursing care ii. Spiritual care
e. Mwaniki and his three friends use heroine on daily basis. Briefly explain some of the health risks they are exposed to. (5 Marks)
a. Discuss the various modes of HIV/AIDS transmission. (5 Marks) b. What are the main factors that promote the spread of HIV/AIDS? (5 Marks) c. Differentiate between HIV type 1 and HIV type 2 in terms of geographical distribution and disease progression. (5 Marks) d. State the advantages of being tested if you are infected with HIV. (5 Marks)
a. Describe any three interventions applied in the prevention of mother to child transmission PMTCT programme. (5 Marks) b. Explain in detail any two factors that influence HIV transmission through sexual contact. (5 Marks) c. Elaborate on persons who are at highest risk of getting HIV infusion (most vulnerable persons) (5 Marks) d. Briefly explain the main advantages of Home Based Care (HBC) in taking care of the PLWHA. (5 Marks)
a. Rajab has already been to the VCT and was referred to the doctor. The doctor has prescribed ARVs to him. What are some of the challenges that Rajab will face when taking the ARVs. (10 Marks)
b. Sometimes, care givers of PLWHA experience stress and burn out. Suggest some ways of minimizing stress and burn out among the care givers. (5 Marks)
c. Why do you think women are more vulnerable to HIV/AIDS then any other group. (5 Marks)

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