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Szl2100:Hiv And Aids Question Paper

Szl2100:Hiv And Aids 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a) Define the following terms in the context in which they are applied in HIV/AIDS. (5 Marks) i. Syndrome ii. Latency iii. Seroconversion iv. Reverse transcriptase v. Antibody b) Write in full and briefly highlight on each of the following acronyms used in HIV/AIDS. (5 Marks) i. PMTCT ii. RNA iii. NASCOP iv. UNAIDS v. PCR c) Justify the importance of an effective public health system in the war against AIDS and the communicable diseases. (5 Marks) d) HIV prevalence among among university students in Kenya is estimated at 10-20%. Elaborate on four factors this could be attributed to. (4 Marks) e) Cite any five functions of the blood. (5 Marks) f) State three modes of transmission for HIV. (3 Marks) g) Explain three factors that determine HIV disease progression. (3 Marks)
a) HIV is retrovirus: explain. (5 Marks) b) Elaborate the steps involved in HIV replication. (5 Marks) c) Explain the WHO guidelines on clinical diagnosis of HIV in adults. (5 Marks) d) Explain the principles behind two of the tests of your choice usually performed in HIV/AIDS. (5 Marks)
a) Explain the impact of HIV on: (6 Marks) i. Education ii. Health sector iii. Population b) Highlight briefly Kenya Government policy on HIV/AIDS. (4 Marks) c) Discuss five factors fuelling the spread of HIV infection in developing countries. (10 Marks)
a) Explain the effects of the following on HIV. (10 Marks) i. Nutrition ii. Drugs and substance abuse. b) Discuss the following interventions in the care and management of HIV persons. (6 Marks) i. Psychological support ii. Spiritual care iii. Home – based care c) Give two goals and two limitations of HAART (highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy). (4 Marks)

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