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Sch2107:Inorganic Chemistry I Question Paper

Sch2107:Inorganic Chemistry I 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Define the following; i. Triple point temperature ii. Normal freezing point of water. (4 Marks) b) The colour of light depends on its wavelength. The longest visible rays at the red end of the visible spectrum are 7.8 × 10-7?? in length. Express this length in micrometers and in Angstroms. (4 Marks) c) Outline five positive aspects of nuclear science. (5 Marks) d) i) What is the wavelength in meters of visible light with a frequency of 3.8 × 1013????. Given that the speed of light = 2.998 × 108??/??. (3 Marks) ii) What is an electromagnetic spectrum? (2 Marks) e) i) What is the difference between ionization energy and electron affinity. (4 Marks) ii) The first ionization energies of Al, Si and S are 6.0, 8.1 and 10.3 ev. What would be your prediction for the first ionization energy of P? (Atomic numbers, Al = 13, Si = 14, P= 15 and S = 16) (4 Marks) f) Dalton proposed that an atom was a “solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable particle”. Critique this description. (4 Marks)
a) Describe four processes through which a radioactive nuclide can be spontaneously converted to another nuclide. (12 Marks) b) i) How many moles of atoms are contained in 92.91g of phosphorous if the formula of the molecule is P4? c) ii) How many atoms are contained in 92.91g phosphorous? Atomic mass of phosphorous = 30.974. Avogadro’s no. 6.022 × 1023. (6 Marks) d) Differentiate between nucleons and nuclides. (2 Marks)
a) Define the following terms i. Nuclear fission ii. Nuclear fusion (4 Marks) b) i) State the Hund’s rule. (2 Marks) ii) Using the electron configuration determine the number of unpaired electrons in the elements with atomic numbers, 24, 49, 34 and 54. (4 Marks) c) Explain briefly, what is meant by hydrogen bonding. (5 Marks) d) Give the characteristics of solids and gases in terms of their intermolecular forces, compressibility, volume, relative density and shape. (5 Marks)
a) Describe the three coordinates that come from the Schrodinger’s wave equation. (6 Marks) b) i) Write the electronic configuration for the following particles; S, Cu, Ge2+, Ba2+. Given the atomic number of the elements as follows S = 16, Cu = 29, Ge = 32, Ba = 56. (4 Marks) ii) From the electron configuration, determine whether the particles in part (i) above are diamagnetic or paramagnetic. (4 Marks) c) Draw the diagrams of the following orbitals. i. ?????? ii. ????2-??2 (4 Marks) d) Give the names of the following ions i. CN- ii. CrO42- (2 Marks)

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