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Iph2104:Health And Nutrition Question Paper

Iph2104:Health And Nutrition 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

a) Define the following terms used in the context of Public Health. (5 Marks) i. Health ii. Public Health iii. Health Promotion iv. Prevention v. Rehabilitation b) For an individual, family or community to be healthy. Describe two determinants of health. (10 Marks) c) Elaborate on the following major disciplines in public health. (15 Marks) i. Nutrition ii. Environmental Health iii. Health Education
a) Explain the role of Demography Public Health; explain why. (5 Marks) b) Differentiate between Clinical Medicine and Public Health. (6 Marks) c) Primary Health Care is the first line of disease prevention in Kenya. Define the terms as it was defined at ALMA ATA Declaration in 1978. (5 Marks) d) State the eight elements that were to be implemented by Primary Health Care Programme in order to achieve. “Health care for all by the year “2000”. (4 Marks)
a) Intersectoral collaboration and Community participation are important Principles in the success of (Primary Health Care) PHC; explain both Principles. (10 Marks) b) Explain how Equity would have helped in achieving Health for All by the Year 2000. (5 Marks) c) State five advantages of a community participation approach in Primary Health Care. (5 Marks)
a) Community based health services/care is essential for the achievement of PHC: explain. (5 Marks) b) What is the role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in Primary Health Care? (5 Marks) c) What is development in the context of Primary Health Care? (5 Marks) d) Explain the relationship between Health and Development. (5 Marks)
a) List the eight major goals of the MDGs, to be achieved by the year 2015. (4 Marks) b) Explain how Global Trade affects Public Health. (10 Marks) c) Elaborate on the challenges that Primary Health Care faced while trying to implement on the Goal Health for All by the year 2000. (6 Marks)

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