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Iph2104:Health And Nutrition Question Paper

Iph2104:Health And Nutrition 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2012

a) Define the following terms (2 Marks) i. Epidemiology ii. Health b) Differentiate between the following terms; emerging and re-emerging diseases. (3 Marks) c) State three ways of obtaining vital statistics. (6 Marks) d) Describe the relationship between health and development. (4 Marks) e) Explain five health disparities experienced in developing countries. (5 Marks) f) State five public health problems that came up with industrialization and urbanization of the 19th C. (5 Marks) g) The impact of environmental health issues can either be acute or chronic. Substantiate the two terms giving examples. (5 Marks)
a) Explain in detail the three levels of care. (6 Marks) b) Outline the five principles of primary health care. (5 Marks c) State at least five core activities of Primary Health Care according to the 1978 Alma-ta declaration. (5 Marks)
d) Describe the relationship between primary health care and the milleneum development goals. (4 Marks)
a) Population of Kakuzi according to 1981 census was 37,000,000. Between 1981 and the following census in 1991; 3,000 people died and 8,000 people left the area to settle in other places. In the same period 16,000 children were born and 7,000 people settled in the area. Calculate the inter censal movement within that period. (5 Marks) b) Migongo with a population of 400,000 in 1998 reported 19,000 live births. Calculate the live birth rate in that year. (4 Marks) c) Peponi with a population of 6,100 in 1993 reported 1,600 deaths that year. Calculate the crude death rate. (4 Marks) d) State seven functions of morbidity statistics. (7 Marks)
a) Explain five factors contributing to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases. (10 Marks) b) Describe the six problem solving paradigm in identifying public health issues. (10 Marks)

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