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Iph2212:Medical Entomology Question Paper

Iph2212:Medical Entomology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer questions one in section A and any other two questions in section B
a) What is meant by the term “Arthropoda”? Name two classes of arthropods.
(3 Marks)
b) Describe what is meant by “Entomephobia”. (2 Marks)
c) What is the cause of “Delusory parasitoses”? (4 Marks)
d) What is “complete” and “incomplete” metamorphosis in the insect life cycle?
(3 Marks)
e) In most insects the thorax is dividend into 3 parts. Name the two parts in which the
wings commonly arise. (4 Marks)
f) Name two species of mosquitoes that transmit malaria to humans. (2 Marks)
g) What two morphological characteristics separate “pulmonate” snails from
“prosobranchs”? (2 Marks)
h) Name two characteristics that separate Glossina (tsetseflies) from all other flies.
(2 Marks)
i) Briefly describe two methods used for controlling Glosssina. (4 Marks)
j) What is the difference between “salvarian” and “stercorarian” modes of disease
transmission? (2 Marks)
k) Where on the human body are the lice “Phthirus” and “Capitis” usually found?
(2 Marks)
SECTION B – Answer any two Questions
a) Describe the life cycle of anopheles and culex mosquitos. (4 Marks)
b) How can you differentiate the larvae of anopheles from those of culex. (4 Marks)
c) What biological method can be used for lavae control in a botanical pond? (4 Marks)
d) Describe a method used for catching mosquito larvae. (4 Marks)
e) What are three (3) simple methods used for catching mosquitoes? (3 Marks)
f) What is the feeding stage in the aquatic life cycle of mosquitoes? (1 Mark)
Describe the life cycle of the snail-borne schitosomiais infection, both in the snail intermediate
host and the human definitive host. (20 Marks)
Describe the life cycle of the malaria parasite in the anopheles mosquito. (20 Marks)

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