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Iph2300:Human Nutrition Question Paper

Iph2300:Human Nutrition 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer questions one and any other two questions
a) Define the meaning following terms:
i. Preventive health
ii. Balanced diet
iii. Health promotional maintenance (6 Marks)
b) State three reasons why knowledge of nutrition is useful for the health worker.
(3 Marks)
c) Explain the reason why a diet high in cholesterol is discouraged. (3 Marks)
d) Describe three functions of fibre in the diet. (3 Marks)
e) State three locally grown foods that you will recommend for a child with vitamin A
deficiency. (3 Marks)
f) Describe the functions of calcium and phosphorous in the body. (3 Marks)
g) State the causes of nutritional anaemia. (3 Marks)
h) Describe two common malnutrition diseases amongst children in Kenya. (3 Marks)
i) Explain three measures to take to prevent the diseases mentioned in “h”. (3 Marks)
a) Discuss the functions of vitamin B complex highlighting the result of deficiency
particularly in children. (10 Marks)
b) You are working in a health centre in one of the countries in Kenya and need to start a
project on “Nutrition Education” for the community. Describe the areas to include in
your discussions with community. (10 Marks)
a) Describe two macro-nutrients that are essential in the diet of a three year old child and
describe their functions. (10 Marks)
b) Explain with examples five ways of making food and water safe for consumption.
(10 Marks)
a) Describe two methods you would use to assess the nutritional status of an individual.
(10 Marks)
b) Explain the intervention strategies for a child with severe PEM. (10 Marks)
a) Describe the nutritional advice for a patient suffering from hypertension. (10 Marks)
b) Suggest a balanced diet for an elderly person who is showing signs of malnutrition.
(10 Marks)

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