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Iph2111:Law And Public Health Question Paper

Iph2111:Law And Public Health 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one and any other two questions
a) What is the Layman’s understanding of law? (2 marks)
b) Define the following terms;
(i) Public Health Law (2 marks)
(ii) Food Law (2 marks)
(iii) Food Control (2 marks)
c) Differentiate between voluntary and mandatory compliance (2 marks)
d) Explain the circumstances under which an authorised officer can use powers of entry to
access a food plant (3 marks)
e) Explain why the Public Health Act Cap 242 is still in use despite appearing to infringe on
people’s rights (4 marks)
f) What does the meat control Act Cap 356 address? (3 marks)
g) Under malaria control Act Cap 246, what could anyone be prevented to construct or do, if
such prevention is in the interest of malaria prevention? (3 marks)
h) Why is the Director of veterinary services or a veterinary surgeon included in the
pharmacy and poisons board? (4 marks)
i) What is the purpose of including or seeking the services of the medical officers of health
in various Acts of parliament? (3 marks)
Discuss the importance of the Kenya Red Cross Society Act Cap 256, and St. John’s Ambulance
of Kenya Act Cap 258.
Explain the process of abatement of nuisance as provided for under the Public Health Act Cap
Discuss the duties of a Port Public Health Officer, in line with the requirements of the Public
Health Act Cap 242, to safeguard the country against introduction of infectious diseases.

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