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Ich2304:Waste Management Question Paper

Ich2304:Waste Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question one and any other two questions
(a) The concerns of developed countries in waste water treatment are different from those of
developing countries. Explain the two concerns. (5 Marks)
(b) Explain what takes place in the three stages of waste water treatment. (5 Mark)
(c) Explain how any three pathogenic organisms can infect man through waste water.
(5 Marks)
(d) The amount of water to be treated in small community of Monaco town is 400??3 per
day. The retention time of the waste water is two hours. Calculate the volume of the
tricking filter to treat the wastes (formula – ?? = ??
??; Where t = retention time on days,
V = volume of the trickling filter, and Q = the amount of waste water to be treated per
day). (8 Marks)
(e) Explain what takes place in the three stages of waste water stabilization ponds.
(3 Marks)
(f) Briefly describe the basic reed bed design parameters. (4 Marks)
Septic tanks are widely used as waste water management facilities.
(a) Briefly discuss the design consideration criteria of a septic tank. (10 Marks)
(b) Assuming a depth of 2 metres and a retention period of 3 days, design a septic tank for
family of 10 people whose water consumption rate is 200 litres/ capita/day. Formula:
?? = ??
?? where t = retention time, V = volume of the tank and Q = water
consumption/capita/day. (10 Marks)
Discuss reclaimed or recycled water, as used in liquid wastes management. (20 Marks)
“The advantages of use of waste water stabilization ponds outweigh the disadvantages by far”
Discuss . (20 Marks)

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