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Iph2310:Communicable Diseases Question Paper

Iph2310:Communicable Diseases 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Public Health

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2011

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions in section one
a) Define the following terms as used in communicable diseases control and prevention;
(i) Communicable disease (2 marks)
(ii) Carrier (2 marks)
(iii)Vector (2 marks)
(iv) Infectious disease (2 marks)
(v) Host (2 marks)
b) Meningitis is one of the communicable disease that occurs in outbreaks, discuss
(i) What is meningitis (1 mark)
(ii) Which microorganism is commonly associated with meningitis outbreaks (......
(iii)Explain the preventive and promotive strategies for meningitis (3 marks)
(iv) What are public health implications (2 marks)
c) Tuberclosis in one of the re-emerging disease of twenty first century, discuss under the
following sub headings;
(i) Briefly explain five factors that will predispose the population to develop
tuberculosis (4 marks)
(ii) Briefly explain why the prevalence of T.B is on the rise (3 marks)
(iii)Discuss why there is resistant to T.B therapy (3 marks)
(iv) What is the impact of re-emerging cases of tuberculosis (3 marks)
Concerning zoonotic diseases, discuss;
(i) At least four ways of how zoonotic diseases are transmitted (4 marks
(ii) How a person bitten animal is managed (3 marks)
(iii)The classical signs and symptoms of brucellosis infection (5 marks)
(iv) list the common zoonotic diseases of public health importance (3 marks)
(v) the preventive and control of zoonotic diseases in Kenya (3 marks)
In reference to Helminthiasis infestation in most of your county primary schools, discuss form
public health point of view;
(i) Describe the practical method of control and prevention and promotion of
Helminthosis free county
(ii) Helminthiasis can be eradicated. Discuss (5 marks)
(iii)Children and especially under five are the most vulnerable, discuss `(5 marks)
(iv) State the commonest typologies of Helmonities found in your county (5 marks
Concerning emerging and re-emerging diseases;
(i) state two re-emerging and two emerging (4 marks)
(ii) Describe the main terms you would teach county community members to control
and prevent emerging and re-emerging diseases (6 marks)
(iii)Describe public health approaches to mitigation of Ebola outbreak in West Africa
(6 marks)
(iv) Describe multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (4 marks)

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