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Ics2311:Computer Graphics Question Paper

Ics2311:Computer Graphics 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2014

(a) Explain the distinction between private and public parts of the internet. (4Marks) (b) List and explain the four categories of private networks depending on the equipment used. (8Marks) (c) With the use of a diagram, explain the layering model used with the internet protocol (TCP/IP) (6Marks) (d) What aspects of networking does data communication refer to? (2Marks) (e) What is a communication protocol? (2Marks) (f) What is packet switching and why is it relevant to the internet. (2Marks) (g) Give a brief explanation of the layers in the ISO (Open System Interconnection model). (6Mark)
QUESTION TWO –20 MARKS (a) What is the difference between a continuous signal and a digital representation? (4Marks) (b) Use an illustration to explain the digitization process. (4Marks) (c) When dose a quantization error occur? (2Marks) (d) Comment briefly on the Nyquist Theorem (2Marks)
(e) How do we measure the quality of a digital sample (2Marks) (f) Explain the usage of the following terms: (i) ADC (2Marks) (ii) DAC (2Marks) (iii)Sample and hold (2Marks)
QUESTION THREE – 20MARKS (a) Give three classifications of communication hardware and explain their usage. (6Marks) (b) Expound on the following acronyms: (i) ASCII (2Marks) (ii) EBCDIC (2Marks) (c) Explain the following Transmission Methods: (i) Parallel Transmission (3Marks) (ii) Centronics interface (3Marks) (iii)Serial Transmission (3Marks) (d) Give one disadvantage of using serial transmission (1Mark)
QUESTION FOUR – 20MARKS (a) Outline the properties within the following cable specifications: (i) 10BASE-T (2Marks) (ii) 10BASE-5 (2Marks) (iii)10BASE-2 (2Marks) (b) What is the IEEE definition of a Local Area Network? (4Marks) (c) Illustrate the following cabling systems (i) Wire pair (2Marks) (ii) Coax (2Marks) (iii)Fibre (2Marks)
QUESTION FIVE – 20MARKS (a) Distinguish between Single Tire design and Dual Tire design (4Marks) (b) With the use of a diagram, show how a multi tire design works (6Marks) (c) Compare and contrast the following terms as applied in network design: (i) Capacity s/s Throughput (4Marks) (ii) Broadband v/s Baseband (4Marks) (d) What is meant by the term Latency? (2Marks)

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