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Hbc2217:Management Accounting Question Paper

Hbc2217:Management Accounting 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

a) Differentiate between: (i) Macro economics and Micro economics (2 Marks) (ii) Demand and desire (2 Marks) (iii) Emperical Economic and Economic Theory (2 Marks) (iv) Inductive logic & deductive logic (2 Marks) b) The following is the quantity demanded and supplied of a commodity X. Determine the market price and Equilibrium Quantity. P = 2q2 + 3q + 10 …… Q= 4q2 – q – p ………..demand (6 Marks)
c) State the characteristics of a perfect competitive market. (6 Marks) d) Outline the methods of calculating the national income. (6 Marks) e) If the GDP of a country, increased by 100% while population tripled. (i) Calculate the % change in per capita GDP (2 Marks) (ii) What happens to the economic welfare (2 Marks)
a) Explain the sources of a monopoly. (10 Marks) b) Using relevant graphical illustration show how a monopolistic makes decisions regarding. (i) Price & output (ii) Profit maximization ( 10Marks)
a) The following economic functions have been derived by the finance managers of Kenya Coffee Limited: Where P represents price and Q is quantity: Qa = 3p2-4p, Qb= 24-p2 (i) Which of the two functions could represent the demand curve the supply curve? Why? (4 Marks) (ii) At what value of price and quantity is the market in equilibrium (8 Marks) b) Discuss the uses of National income statistics. (8 Marks)
a) Discuss the importance of grading a product during marketing. (10 Marks) b) The following is the quantities and prices of two commodities which are related . Quantity demanded of X Change in price of Y 20 40 30 100
(i) Calculate the price elasticity between two products (6 Marks) (ii) What is the relationship between the two product, give a reason (4 Marks)
a) Discuss the various marketing variables (10 Marks) b) Explain the various types of economies of scale facing the I.T sector of the Kenyan economy. (10 Marks)

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