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Ics2301:Computer Programming Question Paper

Ics2301:Computer Programming 

Course:Bachelor Of Computer Science

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Define the following terms and explain how they are used in system operation. (8Marks) (i) Context switch (ii) Thread (iii) Pipe (iv) Socket API
(b) Briefly explain how operating system manages process execution on behalf on user program. (4Marks) (c) User program request for services for operating system through system API. Illustrate this by giving two examples and specific API in each case. (6Marks) (d) Briefly explain how client program communicate with server program using Remote Procedure Call (RPC) (6Marks) (e) Using appropriate example illustrate how producer-consumer relationship is supported using shared memory mechanism. (6Marks)
QUESTION TWO –20 MARKS (a) Explain the following terms and give example in each case. (6Marks) (i) Device driver API (ii) Message queue (iii) Buffered IO
(b) Illustrate how processor input/output speed difference can be addressed using multi slot buffers (6Marks) (c) Using appropriate socket API illustrate how server program can respond to multiple client simultaneously. (8Marks)
QUESTION THREE – 20MARKS (a) What is virtual machine from programmer point of view? (3Marks) (b) Explain similarities and differences between java virtual machine (JVM) and framework. (8Marks) (c) Write a server program that creates multi files, each contains system information of the client. (9Marks) QUESTION FOUR – 20MARKS (a) State and explain parameters required when calling createFile () function. (6Marks) (b) Differentiate between double buffered IO and circular buffered IO. (6Marks) (c) Difference connection-oriented and connectionless communication between processes on separate hosts. Describe the circumstances under which connection-oriented or connectionless communication would be appropriate. (8Marks)
QUESTION FIVE – 20MARKS (a) Explain giving reasons why it is important for a programming language to support multiple threads. (7Marks) (b) Explain how semaphores are used to synchronize access to shared memory. Illustrate with an example. (7Marks) (c) Briefly explain how user program larger than available main memory can be executed without degrading overall system performance. (6Marks)

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