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Ics2211:Computer Organisation Question Paper

Ics2211:Computer Organisation 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Information Technology

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

(a) Explain each of the following terms: (i) Computer architecture (ii) Computer function (iii) A program (6 Marks) (b) Show the structure of Von-Newman machine and explain all the functional components. (8 Marks) (c) Discuss the instruction cycle (4 Marks) (d) Discuss any two functions of input/output module (4 Marks) (e) Discuss any two instruction types (4 Marks) (f) Discuss any two addressing modes (4 Marks)
(a) Use the laws of Boolean algebra to prove that (i) (A + B)(A+C) = A + BC (ii) A+AB = A (4 Marks) (b) The NOR gate can be used to implement any other logic functionality. Show this true by showing how to build NOT, AND and OR functions using 2-input NOR gates. (6 Marks) (c) Given the function F = ABC + AD +A''C (i) Derive the truth table for the function. (4 Marks)
(ii) Draw a circuit diagram using AND, OR and NOT gates. (6 Marks)
(a) Using the attached diagram, please explain the six steps on how a computer will utilize the CPU and the memory to do the following sum 3 + 2 = 5. (12 Marks) (b) Compare a Pentium 4 machine with 486 machine, giving the advantages and the disadvantages, cost and the capacity. (4 Marks) (c) As a computer specialist, could you advice a person intending to buy a computer to play videos. The kind of a machine that they need to buy. Please give a detailed explanation. (4 Marks)
(a) Compare and contrast the following (i) Cache and Main memory (4 Marks) (ii) Internal and external memory (4 Marks) (iii) Risc and Cisc (4 Marks) (b) Discuss four functions of the CPU. (8 Marks)

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