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Cba0112:Basic Business Mathematics Question Paper

Cba0112:Basic Business Mathematics 

Course:Certificate In Bridging Mathematics

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2013

a) Work out 5?? - 7 3?? - 2 - 4 ?? - 5 6?? - 1 (3 Marks) b) Simplify ??2+6??+5 ??2-25 (3 Marks) c) Solve for x and y in log3(2?? + ??) = 2 log2(5?? + 2??) = 4 (4 Marks) d) A Kenyan bank buys and sells foreign currency as shown below Buying selling
Euro 147.56 148.00
US Dollar 74.22 74.50
An American tourist arrived in Kenya with 20,000 Euros. He converted all the Euros to Kenya shillings at the bank. He spent sh 2,510,200 while in Kenya. He converted the remaining Kenya shillings to US dollars at the bank. Find how much he received. (4 Marks)
e) If 3?? + 5 ,4?? ?????? 6?? - 13 are the first three terms of an A.P, find, i. The value of x. (3 Marks)
ii. The sum of the first four terms. (2 Marks) f) A square has sides of 12cm measured to the nearest 0.5cm. Find the percentage error in the area. (5 Marks) g) Rationalize the denominator 5 2 + 3 3+ 5 (3 Marks) h) When a certain radio component is sold at Ksh. 126, a loss of y percentage is made. If the component is sold at Ksh. 154 a profit of y% would be made. Find the buying price of the component. (3 Marks)
a) The first term of an A.P is 4 and the last is 20. The sum of the terms is 252. Calculate the number of terms and the common difference of the A.P. (5 Marks) b) The sum of the first three terms of a geometric series is 26. If the common ratio is 3, find the sum of the first six terms. (5 Marks)
a) The table below shows the income tax notes in a certain year.
Total income per month in Kenya pounds
Rate in ksh per pound 1 325 2 326 650 3 651 975 4 976 1300 5 1301 1625 7 0ver 1625 7.50
Mr. Ochi earned a basic salary of sh 13,120 and a house allowance of sh.3,000 per month. He claimed a tax relief of sh. 455 per month.
i. The monthly taxable income in Ksh pounds. (2 Marks) ii. The tax payable without relief. (4 Marks)
b) A part from the income tax, the following monthly deductions are also made. A service charge of ksh. 120, NHIF of sh.260 and 2% of the basic salary as union dues. Calculate; i. The total monthly deductions made fr (2 Marks) ii. The net income that Mr.Ochi gets every month. (2 Marks)
a) Marion invested a certain amount of money in a bank which paid 12% per annum simple interest. After 5 years, the total savings were sh. 5,600. Determine the amount of money she invested initially. (3 Marks) b) A customer deposited sh.140,000 in a savings account. Find the accumulated amount after one year if interest was paid at 12% per annum compounded quarterly. (3 Marks) c) A man wants to have sh. 400,000 in 8 years. How much money must he invest now if the rate of interest is 7.5% p.a compound interest? (4 Marks)
a) Solve for x in log3 ?? + log?? 3 = 2 (5 Marks) b) Maina travels to his uncles home, 30km away from his place. He cycles for two thirds of the journey before the bicycle develops mechanical problems and he has to push it for the rest of the journey. If his cycling speed is 10km per hour faster than his walking speed and he completes the journey in 3 hours 20 minutes, determine his cycling speed. (5 Marks)
a) Mohammed wants to buy a T.V on hire purchase. It has a cash price of sh.75,000. He can pay the cash price or make a down payment of sh. 22,500 and 15 monthly installments of sh.5,500 each. i. How much interest does he pay under the installment plan? (3 Marks) ii. Calculate the rate of interest charged per month. (4 Marks) b) Use the binomial theorem to evaluate 1.02 5. (3 Marks)

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