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Cba0112:Basic Business Mathematics Question Paper

Cba0112:Basic Business Mathematics 

Course:Certificate In Bridging Mathematics

Institution: Meru University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

a) The nth term of a sequence is given by 2n+3. i. Write down the third and seventh terms of the sequence. (2 Marks) ii. Find the sum of the first twenty terms of the sequence. (3 Marks) b) A borrower had her rate of interest reduced from 7.5% to 7% so she pays sh. 1920 less in simple interest in one year. Calculate the sum she had borrowed. (3 Marks) c) Expand the expression ?? + 2?? 5 completely. Use the first three terms of expression to approximate the value of 0.8 5. (5 Marks) d) Find P without using a calculator if 2 + log2 3 + 2log2 ?? = log2 6 + 1. (4 Marks) e) A positive two-digit number is such that the product of the two digits is 24. When the digits are reversed the number formed is greater than the original number by 18. Find the number. (5 Marks) f) Mary saved sh.2000 during the first month of her employment. In each subsequent month, she saved 15% more than the preceding month. i. How much did she save in the second and third months? (2 Marks) ii. Find the common ratio between her savings in the consecutive months. (2 Marks) iii. How many months did she take to save sh. 58,000? (4 Marks)
a) In a jua kali factory the number of cups produced in the first batch is 250. The numbers of cups produced per month increases on average by 30. Find the expected number of cups produced for the first 12 months and the number projected to be produced in the fourteenth month. (5 Marks) b) A farmer bought a machine at ksh. 110,000. If the depreciation rate was 15% per annum, find; i. The value of the machine after 3 years. (2 Marks) ii. The number of years it will take for the value to depreciate to ksh. 55,000. (3 Marks)
a) Wambui pays ksh. 27000 after getting a 10% discount for a trouser. Find the marked price for the trouser. (2 Marks) b) If the trouser in (a) above had cost the seller ksh.1800, calculate the mark up and the margin for the seller. (4 Marks) c) A sales lady receives a commission on sales as follows; 1.5% on the first ksh.20,000 worth of sales 2% on the next ksh. 60,000 5% on any other extra sales In one month she received ksh.8200 as commission. How much sales did she make? (4 Marks)
Mr Mugushu earns sh. 30,000 per month. In addition he gets sh.2400 medical allowance and a house allowance of sh. 12000. The table below shows the tax bracket and taxation rate.
Monthly income (ksh) Tax rate (percentage) Under 10,165 10 10,165 but under 19,741 15 19,741 but under 29,317 20 29,317 but under 38,893 25 Ksh. 38,893 and above 30 He is entitled to a personal relief of ksh.1162 per month.
Use the information to calculate the tax he pays per month. (10 Marks)
a) Simplify the expression 3??-5 2 - 2??-7 3 (3 Marks) b) Factorise ??2 + 7???? + 12??2. (3 Marks)
c) The upward distance moved by an object at time t(s) is given by ?? = 50?? - 4??2. Find the time when the distance is 120m. (4 Marks)
a) Ten employees of Mafuko industries are covered by a union contract. If three of them must be selected to form a bargaining committee, how many different committees are possible. (3 Marks) b) A group of seven students wants to fill the offices of chairman, secretary and treasurer. In how many different ways can they fill the positions? c) Given 8.6cm ÷ 3.4cm, find i. The absolute error in the quotient. (2 Marks) ii. The relative error us the quotient. (2 Marks)

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