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Edr 210: Introduction To Ethics Question Paper

Edr 210: Introduction To Ethics 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2015

University of Eldoret
Main and Town Campus
Introduction to Ethics
Answer FOUR questions, TWO from each section. All questions carry equal marks (15marks). Marks will be awarded for clarity, accuracy, originality and good handwriting (10marks).

1. A. What do you understand by the terms Ethics and Morality? (5mks)
B. With relevant examples, differentiate between human acts and acts of man. (5mks)
C. Explain the properties required to constitute a human act. (5mks)
2. Ethics is a study that cuts across many disciplines and therefore has several perspectives. Explain (15mks)
3. "Telling lies is always bad." With support from the ethical theories and with relevant examples, present a case where this statement could be justified and/or disputed. (15mks)
4. Discuss the custodians of ethics in African Traditional Religion. (15mks)

5. Illustrate the steps of determining whether a specific act is good or evil (15mks).
6. Conscience is considered one of the most powerful guides for moral behavior. Explain (15mks)
7. With reference to any three medieval philosophers, examine the moral philosophy of Ethics. (15mks).
8. What is the relevance of teaching Ethics in schools today? (15mks).

... SUCCESS.......

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