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Acp 101:Microbiology Question Paper

Acp 101:Microbiology 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Agriculture

Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2015


1.a)Outline the contributions of Louis Pasteur to modern microbiology (5 marks)
b)Describe how microorganism benefit agriculture. (6 marks)
c)Explain the distinguishing characteristics between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. (10 marks)
d)Explain why viruses are not living organisms (4 marks)

2.a)Explain the use of the following in microbiology laboratory:
i)Autoclave (2 marks)
ii)Constant temperature water bath. (2 marks)
iii)70% ethanol (2 marks)
b)Describe the three methods of sterilization that use moist heat. (10 marks)
c)With the aid of diagrams,describe the steak-plate technique of isolation and purifying bacteria into pure culture. (9 marks)

3.a)Explain the difference in the procedure in preparation of bacterial and fungal slides mounts before observation under microscope. (6 marks)
b)Outline the key difference between dissecting and compound microscope. (5 marks)
c)Explain the cultural characteristics of importance in the study of bacteria (5 marks)
d)Using a labelled diagram,illustrate the general morphology of fungi (5 marks)
e)List four beneficial effects or associations due to fungi. (4 marks)

4.a)Explain the four asexual reproduction in fungi. (12 marks)
b)Describe the general characteristics of fungi (10 marks)
c)Name the phases of sexual reproduction in fungi (3 marks)
d)Give two examples of fungi (2 marks)

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