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Kiamuriuki Sec School Cat Question Paper

Kiamuriuki Sec School Cat 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 3 question papers

Exam Year:2015

mincks joint examination
form three2015
section A(40marks]
1.state four forms of oral traditions
2.give three features that distingish man from other apes
3.state four characteristics of macadamized roads
4.describe four ways through which poor transport have contributed to food shortage in africa the governor icharge of perfecting assimilation policy in senegal
6.state three reasons why africans started their own indipendent churches an schools
7.state four communes where policy of assimilation was applied in senegal
8.give four documntary sources of the early visitors on east african coast
9.explain reasons why seyyid said transferred his base from muscat to zanzibar four form of early communication

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